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Press Release

Results of Korea-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting Held on Sidelines of Shangri-La Dialogue

On June 2, 2024, Defense Minister Shin Won Sik and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III convened the South Korea-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. They had productive discussions on key issues facing the South Korea-U.S. alliance, including the coordination of policies toward North Korea, extended deterrence and joint defense posture, and cooperation in regional security and the defense industry.


The two officials exchanged views on the current situation with North Korea and agreed to work closely together in coordinating policies toward it.


Both sides strongly condemned, in one voice, North Korea's reckless actions, which have escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, such as its repetitive missile provocations and various threatening remarks against South Korea and the alliance.


Specifically, they made it clear that North Korea's recent launches of military reconnaissance satellites, despite repeated warnings from the international community, are a flagrant violation of UN Security Council resolutions prohibiting the use of ballistic missile technology as well as scientific and technological cooperation, posing a threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, in Northeast Asia, and for the international community.


Minister Shin also emphasized that North Korea's recent release of balloons carrying trash was a clear and serious violation of the Armistice Agreement and said that South Korea will actively assist in an official investigation conducted by the United Nations Command.


Both sides reaffirmed that they would respond in a close and coordinated manner to any threat and provocation from North Korea by drawing on the overwhelming joint defense posture and capabilities of the South Korea-U.S. alliance.


The two officials made it clear that North Korea's continuous provocations and advancement of its nuclear and missile capabilities are the primary factors escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in the Indo-Pacific region.


Furthermore, the two sides shared their recognition that the growing military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, including illegal arms trade and the transfer of advanced technologies, poses a serious threat to the peace and stability of not only the Korean Peninsula but also the entire Indo-Pacific region. They reaffirmed their commitment to addressing this issue strictly in cooperation with the international community.


During the meeting, the two officials reaffirmed their common goal of the "complete denuclearization of North Korea" and agreed to continue their efforts to enhance deterrence and response capabilities against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats, as well as the execution of extended deterrence through existing bilateral consultative bodies, including the NCG.


Additionally, Secretary Austin reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering commitment to extended deterrence using all categories of military capabilities. He said that U.S. forces stationed in Korea will continue to play a role in preventing armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula and promoting peace and stability in the region, in cooperation with the South Korean Armed Forces.


During this meeting, the two sides also had extensive discussions on strategies to strengthen cooperation in regional security, the defense industry, and the defense science and technology sector.


The two officials reviewed the accomplishments of the South Korea-U.S. Regional Cooperation Working Group (RCWG) and agreed to further actualize cooperation in areas such as maritime security and defense industry collaboration.


Both sides shared their understanding of the importance of cooperation among like-minded countries to bolster their defense industrial bases. Minister Shin expressed support for the "Statement of Principles" announced by Secretary Austin at the Shangri-La Dialogue.


In this regard, they agreed to continue discussions on the Regional Sustainment Framework (RSF), a policy recently announced by the U.S. Department of Defense for establishing regional maintenance hubs, as well as on cooperation related to maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) in the Indo-Pacific region.


Furthermore, the two officials pledged to make joint efforts to cooperate in the advanced science and technology sector, which will be mutually beneficial not only for their alliance but also for regional and global security.


They also shared their view on the necessity of accelerating efforts to develop their alliance into a science and technology alliance in accordance with the "South Korea-U.S. Alliance Defense Vision." To this end, they reviewed plans to establish a high-level consultative body and hold a joint defense science and technology conference between the two nations.


Minister Shin and Secretary Austin shared their understanding that the South Korea-U.S. alliance is more cohesive than ever. They pledged to faithfully implement the "South Korea-U.S. Alliance Defense Vision" to deepen and broaden the scope and level of alliance cooperation into a "global comprehensive strategic alliance."



  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)