News Zone

Press Release

Defense ministry to build the country’s first private-military h...

Defense ministry to build the country’s first private-military hydrogen station at a ministry site

 - Ministry held ceremony to mark the completion of the country’s first private-military hydrogen station at Jawoondae, Daejeon

 - Station will serve as an example of how to go forward a carbon-neutral community based on cooperation between the private and military sector

In the afternoon of October 26, the Ministry of National Defense (MND, Minister Suh Wook) and the Ministry of Environment (ME, Minister Han Jeong-ae) held a ceremony to celebrate the completion of the country’s first ‘private-military hydrogen station’ at Jawoondae (located in Jawoon-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon Metropolitan City), and vowed to continue to pursue reciprocal cooperation to increase the number of hydrogen stations.

The Jawoondae hydrogen station is a hydrogen station that can be available both for private and military use. It will be run (by Hynet) six days a week (closed on Sundays), 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. (12 hours), after it goes into commercial service on October 27.

The MND suggested the ME add 50 military sites where a hydrogen station can be installed, other than Jawoondae, with the aim of expanding the number of private-military hydrogen stations on a national scale.

“Taking the construction of this first hydrogen station as a 'pump-priming' event, we will work to increase the number of hydrogen stations that can be available both for private and military use on a national scale,” Suh said, adding “The military will fulfill its roles and responsibilities to give impetus to the ‘Carbon Neutral by 2050’ vision by making an active push for the Green New Deal.”


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)