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Press Release

Defense Minister Suh Wook meets with delegation of the Korea Stu...

Defense Minister Suh Wook meets with delegation of the Korea Study Group from the US Congress

This afternoon (July 7), defense Minister Suh Wook met with the Korea Study Group (CSGK) delegation from the US Congress visiting Korea and exchanged opinions on major issues of the ROK-US alliance, the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, and other regional security cooperation issues.

In particular, Minister Suh expressed his gratitude for the active support of the US Congress, including their proposal of a resolution to support the ROK-US alliance after the ROK-US summit held on May 21, and asked for their continued interest and support so that the horizons of the ROK-US alliance can be further expanded based on the outcomes of the ROK-US summit.

The Korea Study Group delegation from the US Congress said that Congress will provide bipartisan support, emphasizing that it is necessary for the ROK-US alliance to expand its scope of cooperation in areas such as establishment of COVID-19 vaccine supply chains, climate change, high-tech cooperation, R&D, and cyber security cooperation in the wake of this summit.


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)