Page 64 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 64


                               1       Establishing a Robust
                                       Defense Posture

                            The ROK Armed Forces maintains a combined defense posture based on the robust
                            ROK–US alliance that is capable of countering local and full scale war provocations from
                            North Korea. For effective crisis management, the ROK Armed Forces has established
                            surveillance and early warning posture, enhanced its crisis management system, and
                            maintains readiness posture against provocations such as infiltrations, provocations and
                            terrorism on land, at sea, and in the air, and cyber-attacks. Furthermore, in preparation
                            against a full scare war provocation by North Korea, the ROK Armed Forces is enhancing
                            wartime operational capabilities and strengthening the ROK–US combined defense
                            posture while acquiring and maintaining the necessary forces, equipment, and supplies
                            to expand their war sustainability.

                            1. Military Organization and Forces

                            Organization of the Joint   The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) commands and
                            Chiefs of Staff           supervises the combat operation units of the

                                                      Army, Navy, and Air Force, and conducts joint
                            and combined operations by commanding and supervising joint units. The JCS also
                            carries out civilian-government-military-police integrated defense operations and
                            tasks associated with martial law. The JCS was set up and operated within the MND
                            as a non-permanent organization until it was off cially established in 1963 under its
                            current name.  It consists of the Chairman, a Vice Chairman, five offices, and four
                            chief directorates. The organization of the JCS is shown in  Chart 3-1 .

                            [Chart 3-1] Key Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

                                                      Chairman of the JCS
        ROK Armed
        Forces                                                          Combat Readiness
        promotional video                                               Inspection Office
                                                        Vice Chairman
                                                         of the JCS
        Combined Chiefs of Staff   Chief Secretary’s Office  Office of the Staff Judge   Public Affairs Office  Analysis and
        Council in 1948, Joint                    Advocate                      Experimentation Office
        Chiefs of Staff Council
        in 1954, and Combined
        Chiefs of Staff Bureau in   Chief Directorate of   Chief Directorate of   Chief Directorate of   Chief Directorate of
        1961.                   Intelligence     Operations      Military Support  Strategic Planning

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