Page 66 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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support groups during peacetime to provide corps level units with mobilization
                            divisions and supplement battalions capable of exerting combat power equal to that
                            of standing troops in wartime. Other commands are responsible for personnel and
                            logistics support as well as education and training.
                             While efficiently utilizing its existing forces to the fullest extent, the Army is
                            restructuring its units so that they can carry out rapid decision operations in order to
                            realize the concept of future joint operations. To achieve this objective, the Army is
                            steadfastly acquiring its surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities including the
                            dronebot combat system  that utilizes reconnaissance, attack, and electronic warfare
                            drones, as well as its maneuver and strike capabilities such as K2 battle tanks,
                            Korean Utility Helicopters, and multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) .

                            Navy      The Navy consists of the Navy Headquarters, the Republic of Korea
                                      Fleet (COMROKFLT), Marine Corps Headquarters, Northwest Islands
        Dronebot is a portmanteau   Defense Command, and support units. Key organizations and assets of the Navy are
        of drone and robot. It
        refers to a manned and   shown in  Chart 3-3 .
        unmanned combat system
        to supplement or replace
        the capability of a manned   [Chart 3-3] Key Organizations and Assets of the Navy
        combat system.
        3)                                                Navy HQ
        As a weapon capable of
        delivering massive and
        concentrated firepower at
        once, it is a launch system   COMROKFLT  Marine Corps HQ / Northwest Islands   Logistics Command  Training and Doctrine
        in which multiple rockets                 Defense Command                  Command
        are mounted in rectangular
        or cylindrical launchers.       Submarine Force   Divisions (2),
                            Fleet Commands (3)  Command  Brigades (2)
        Its operations are aimed at
        securing and maintaining
        maritime control and   Troops   Surface   Amphibious   Mine warfare   Auxiliary vessels  Submarines  Aircraft
        destroying or neutralizing   Approx. 70,000  combatants  Approx. 10  Approx. 10  Approx. 20  Approx. 10  Approx. 60
                                       Approx. 100
        the enemy’s maritime
        forces using surface   ⁙ Around 29,000 troops of the Marine Crops are included.
        combatants, submarines,
        and aircraft.
        5)                   COMROKFLT has command authority over naval operations as a whole and
        It conducts operations   conducts anti-surface , anti-submarine , mine and countermine , and amphibious
        to destroy or neutralize
        the enemy’s submarines   operations. Fleet Commands defend their assigned areas by deploying combatants
        to defend freedom of
        navigation in the maritime   such as destroyers, frigates, patrol vessels, and patrol killer mediums. The Submarine
                            Force Command executes submarine operations. The Marine Corps Headquarters
        It also conducts operations   executes amphibious operations and defense operations of its assigned areas and
        of interdicting or
        neutralizing the enemy’s   strategic islands, and operates a Quick Maneuver Force. The Northwest Islands
        naval forces with the help
        of mines, or repulsing the   Defense Command is responsible for security and defense missions regarding the
        enemy’s attempts at using
        mines.              northwest islands. Other commands are in charge of logistics support as well as
              2020 Defense White Paper
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