Page 59 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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system where military prosecutors can voice their opinions is currently in place. The
               MND will actively pursue a reform of the military justice system through measures
               such as the integration of a military court within the Ministry and the establishment
               of military prosecutor’s off ce in each service.
                 For defense projects, the Defense Acquisition Project Council has been newly          Chapter 2
               established to build an efficient collaborative system. The MND has also launched
               a rapid technology acquisition project, a pilot project to promptly apply advanced
               technology, namely the Fourth Industrial Revolution technology. Government
               support for defense projects is increasing signif cantly through the expansion of core
               technology and parts localization projects, pilot operation of defense innovation
               clusters, and support for job creation in the defense industry and industry-led
               R&D to strengthen R&D capabilities in the private sector. Moreover, practical
               measures, such as reinforcing the anti-corruption system through revising the Code
               of Conduct for Public Off cials at the Defense Acquisition Program Administration
               (DAPA) and regulating reemployment of retired officials, were implemented in
               order to fundamentally prevent corruption in the defense industry, while improve
               the efficiency and transparency of defense projects. The MND is committed to
               developing the defense industry in a way it contributes to national interests by

               leading a government-wide effort to promote defense exports.
                 With the launch of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution Smart Defense Innovation
               Promotion TF" in January 2019, the MND aims to accelerate defense reform
               through the Fourth Industrial Revolution Smart Defense Innovation and to promote
               comprehensive and concrete defense innovation. The TF selected 71 projects for nine
               major tasks targeting three areas of innovation–defense management, technology
               and infrastructure, and military force systems–and secured the required budget,
               with tangible outcomes through systematic project management so far. The MND
               is bolstering cooperation at the government level by having its implementation
               plan reviewed and passed at the Presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial
               Revolution and pursuing the task through cooperative work with relevant ministries,
               such as the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry,
               and Energy (MOTIE). In particular, the MND is strengthening its national defense
               R&D capabilities to contribute to the win-win growth of civilians and the military
               by promoting various tasks such as development of ground-penetrating radar (GPR)
               and autonomous vehicles for the recovery of remains, creation of intelligent and
               smart troops, and military medical Big Data system. Here, the military utilizes the
               civilian’s excellent technical capabilities and provides test beds for the private sector,
               thereby verifying civilian technology. Accordingly, the MND will continue to

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