Page 236 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Other Multilateral Security  The MND has strengthened its multilateral
                            Cooperation Meetings         security cooperation activities, discussing
                                                         security issues with high-level defense off cials
                            and security experts in the Asia-Pacific region, through its participation in the
                            Fullerton Forum, the ARF, the Tokyo Defense Forum (TDF)–an Asia-Pacific
                            director general-level security consultative forum–and the Beiging Xiangshan
                            Forum held in China. Furthermore, the MND participates in the Northeast Asia
                            Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD)–whose key members are countries that
                            participated in the six-party talks–every year, seeking ways to build military
                            conf dence between nations and advance cooperation in Northeast Asia. The MND
        Diplomatic efforts to   will continue to exert its efforts to gain broader support for the ROK’s security policy
        prevent the proliferation of
        various types of weapons   by bolstering stronger multilateral security cooperation activities and sharing with
        including WMDs as well as
        their delivery systems and   partner countries the ROK government’s position on peace and stability on the
        conventional arms.
                            Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
        See Appendix 20
        "International Disarmament
        and Non-Proliferation
        Agreements and
        Organizations" (p. 416)  4.  Strengthening International Non-proliferation  and Counter-
        29)                   proliferation Activities
        After joining the IAEA in
        1957 and signing out the
        Nuclear Non-proliferation   International      Since the end of the Cold War, the international
        Treaty (NPT) in 1975, the
        ROK joined the Zangger   Non-proliferation Efforts  community has been strengthening global non-
        Committee (ZC) in 1995,
        the NSG in 1995, and the                       proliferation efforts to curb the spread of WMDs,
        Comprehensive Nuclear
        Test–Ban Treaty (CTBT) in   WMD-related materials, technologies and delivery systems, as well as conventional
                            arms. The global non-proliferation regime consists of international treaties,
        The IAEA is an international   international organizations that oversee and inspect the implementation of treaties,
        organization that provides
        technological support to   and export control systems that restrict the transfer of related materials, equipment,
        promote the peaceful use
        and that seeks to prevent   and technologies. The international community has also enhanced the effectiveness
        the military use of nuclear
        materials (established in   of non-proliferation regimes by introducing sanctions against nonfulfillment of
        1957, holds 172 member
        states.)            nonproliferation obligations based on UN Security Council Resolutions, and
                            supplementing the issue of applying regulations against nonmember states and non-
        The NSG is an export   state actors.
        control regime concerning
        nuclear materials as   Since joining the UN in 1991, the ROK participated in various international non-
        well as nuclear-related
        technologies, equipment,   proliferation regimes and activities that regulate nuclear weapons, chemical and
        and dual-use items. Unlike
        the Zangger Committee,   biological weapons, missiles, conventional arms, etc. 28)
        the NSG controls exports
        to all nonnuclear states   The MND established legal and institutional foundations to execute non-
        regardless of their
        membership with the NPT   proliferation responsibilities in accordance with non-proliferation treaties and
        (established in 1978, holds
        48 member states.)  international organizations, and the thorough and faithful execution of these

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