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their unwavering support towards the ROK’s efforts to establish a peaceful Korean
                            Peninsula. In addition, the ROK Minister of National Defense and the US Secretary
                            of Defense made a joint announcement commemorating the 70th anniversary of
                            the Korean War, expressing their appreciation for the sacrifices and courage of the
                            soldiers and their f rm determination to preserve peace on the Korean Peninsula.
                             In May 2020, the ROK government distributed 1 million masks to veterans of UN
                            sending states as a small token of appreciation for their sacrifices and dedication
                            during the Korean War 70 years ago. The MND provided transport aircraft for quick
                            delivery of the masks to veterans, and the ROK military attachés delivered the masks
                            directly to veterans.

                            3. Reinforcing Multilateral Security Cooperation

                            The importance of multilateral cooperation in response to traditional and non-
                            traditional security threats is increasing; in particular, the need for international
                            cooperation in the process of responding to the global spread of COVID-19 in 2020
                            is becoming more important. Despite such environment, the ROK government

                            is striving to raise its stature in the international community through active
                            international cooperation, such as sharing the K-quarantine experience.
                             To reinforce multilateral security cooperation, the MND has been actively
                            participating in major multilateral security conferences in the region, including the
                            ADMM-Plus and the ASS, to encourage the international community’s support for
                            the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula. The SDD is also held every year
                            to strengthen the ROK-led multilateral security cooperation. In particular, the MND
                            and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will co-host the 2021 UN Peacekeeping
                            Ministerial Conference in April 2021. The meeting, which will be held for the first
                            time in Asia, will be the largest and highest-level conference on peacekeeping
                            attended by defense and foreign affairs ministers from more than 150 countries
                            around the world, where international cooperation on peacekeeping activities will be
                            discussed led by the ROK.
                             The major multilateral security meetings in the region the MND participates
                            are shown in [Chart 6-3]. In addition to the meetings stated below, starting in
                            2021, the MND will also be participating in the Munich Security Conference, an
                            offshore multilateral security consultative meeting, to further expand multilateral

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