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visited the ROK to attend the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the
                            ROK and Hungary. By signing an MOU on defense cooperation–which sets forth
                            the exchange of defense information and experiences between the two countries,
                            consultations on defense policy issues, and military technical cooperation–the two
                            countries laid the institutional foundation for strengthening cooperation in defense
                            and the defense industry between the ROK and Hungary.
                             Bulgaria expressed its interest in defense industry cooperation with the ROK
                            through discussions on defense industry cooperation at a summit and a prime
                            ministerial meeting during the Bulgarian Prime Minister’s visit to the ROK in
                            September 2019. The ROK Vice Minister of National Defense held talks with the
                            Deputy Minister of Defense of Bulgaria in the same period to seek practical ways for
                            exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the f eld of defense and the
                            defense industry.
                             The MND has been enhancing communication and exchanges with Greece, another
                            traditional ally that deployed combat troops to the ROK during the Korean War,
                            since the launching of the Greek Defense Attach  Off ce in the ROK in June 2018. A
                            ROK–Greece defense ministerial talk was held in February 2019 and  defense vice-
                            ministerial talks were held in October 2019 and November 2020, where ways to

                            expand bilateral defense, defense industry, and logistics cooperation were discussed.
                             In May 2019, the ROK Vice Minister of National Defense attended the IDEF and
                            held talks with the Turkish Deputy Minister of Defense and the Vice President of
                            Defense Industries to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in defense and the
                            defense industry. The MND also carried out veterans diplomacy by encouraging
                            Turkish veterans of the Korean War.
                             During President Moon’s visit to northern Europe in June 2019, the ROK decided
                            to deepen the comprehensive and overall cooperation relationship with Finland,
                            Norway, and Sweden during summit meetings with each country. In particular,
                                                               the ROK solidified the foundation for
                                                               cooperation in defense and the defense
                                                               industry in various ways such as by
                                                               offering flowers to the Norwegian
                                                               Memorial, visiting logistics support
                                                               ships, participating in the unveiling
                                                               ceremony for the Swedish national
                                                               veterans monument, and signing of
                                                               MOU on defense logistics cooperation.
                            ROK–Greece Defense Vice-Ministerial Talks
                            (November 2020)                     The ROK Minister of National De-

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