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the defense industry between the two countries. In September 2018, President Moon
               signed an MOU on defense cooperation with Brunei, the ROK–ASEAN dialogue
               coordinating nation, to serve as the driving force for the development of defense
               cooperation between the two countries.
                 In line with the ROK government’s NSP, the MND is strengthening its cooperation
               in defense and the defense industry with Southeast Asian countries by holding
               ministerial- and vice-ministerial-level meetings, various policy working-level
               meetings, and regular meetings between respective military services.
                 First, a ministerial meeting was convened with the Defense Ministers of Vietnam
               and Singapore during the 18th SLD in May 2019. The ministers of the three
               countries, exchanged opinions on the regional security situation including the
               Korean Peninsula and measures to promote their defense cooperation. In November
               2019, the ROK Minister of National Defense participated in the ADMM-Plus held in
               Thailand to hold bilateral talks with the Defense Ministers of Vietnam and Indonesia
               and Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand. Along with their discussion on development
               plans for cooperation in defense and the defense industry, the ROK called for active
               support and cooperation for the complete denuclearization and establishment of          Chapter 6
               permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. In December 2019, during his visit to

               Indonesia, where active defense cooperation is taking place based on a special ROK-
               Indonesia strategic partnership, the ROK Defense Minister held a meeting with the
               Minister of Defense and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security
               Affairs of Thailand, and agreed to upgrade their cooperation in defense and the
               defense industry to a higher level based on the ROK–Indonesia Defense Cooperation
                 In Singapore, the Vice Defense Ministers of the ROK and Singapore attended the
               Fullerton Forum  in January 2019 to discuss defense issues and ways to enhance
               defense industry and technological cooperation between the two countries. At the
               8th vice-ministerial-level ROK–Vietnam Strategic Defense Dialogue held in June   A track 1.5 (government
                                                                                     plus civilian participants)
               2019, the two countries discussed in depth pending defense issues, such as high-level   director general–level
                                                                                     multilateral security
               military exchanges, cybersecurity cooperation, and defense industry and logistics   consultative meeting
               cooperation. At the Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD) in September 2019, the ROK   known as the Shangri-La
                                                                                     Dialogue Sherpa meeting
               Minister of National Defense held bilateral talks with the Philippines Undersecretary   established in 2002 by
                                                                                     (under the supervision
               for Defense Policy to discuss the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and   of) the United Kingdom’s
                                                                                     International Institute for
               issues on defense exchanges and cooperation. During a meeting with the Laos   Strategic Studies (IISS), the
                                                                                     forum is participated by
               Permanent Secretary of National Defence, the ROK Minister of National Defense   around 30 countries from
                                                                                     the Asia-Pacific region,
               acknowledged the establishment of the ROK Defense Attaché Office in Laos and   including the ROK, the US,
                                                                                     China, Japan, and Russia,
               agreed to further develop their defense cooperation based on the establishment   as well as the EU and NATO

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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