Page 220 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 220

In particular, the visit of Russian
                                                               Ground Forces commander to the ROK
                                                               in the same year resumed the exchan-
                                                               ges between army generals after 16
                                                                Meanwhile, the MND showed a f rm
                                                               response to the airspace intrusion of a

                            Meeting between the ROK Chairman of JCS and the   Russian military aircraft over Dokdo
                            Russian Ground Forces Commander (October 2019)
                                                               Island in July 2019, in which the MND
                            strongly requested Russia for measures to prevent recurrence. The two countries
                            are in the process of making agreements on the installation of a hotline to prevent
                            accidental collisions caused by entry into the KADI .
                             Year 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between
                            the ROK and Russia. Various government-wide exchanges and cooperation measures
                            were devised to carry out meaningful projects in the field of defense ; however, the
                            countries are undergoing diff culties in holding exchanges and cooperation due to the
                            pandemic. As soon as conditions are met in place in the future, the MND will continue
                            to promote various defense exchanges and cooperation with Russia.

                            2.  Expanding Defense Exchanges and Cooperation with Key
                              Countries in Each Region

                            Southeast Asia and   The ROK has continued to make efforts to contribute to
                            Oceania              the strengthening of regional security by establishing
                                                 multilateral cooperation with ASEAN on regional
                            security threat factors. The ROK is also promoting mutually benef cial and tailored
                            cooperation in the f eld of defense and defense industry that takes into consideration
                            each country̕s characteristics in line with the ROK government̕s New Southern
                            Policy (NSP) that aims to shore up cooperation with ASEAN.
                             President Moon Jae-in visited all 10 ASEAN member states within 2 years since
                            his inauguration, which is a first for a ROK President, providing an opportunity to
                            develop friendly and cooperative relations with all partner countries of the NSP.
                            In particular, during the President’s visit to Thailand–a traditional alliance and a
                            major defense industry cooperation country since the deployment of Thai troops
                            to the Korean War–the GSOMIA was signed and agreed with Thailand, thereby
                            solidifying the institutional foundation for promoting cooperation in defense and

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