Page 212 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 212

at VA Nursing Homes and those living near Washington, D.C. Also, by hosting
                            various events for Korean War veterans such as visiting the 1st Marine Division,
                            which was the US lead effort in the Incheon Landing Operation during the Korean
                            War, to pay his respects to the Korean War veterans residing in the California
                            area, the Defense Minister was able to not only uplift the spirit of the ROK–US
                            alliance, which has continued for over 70 years amid the brutality of war, but also
                            demonstrated the robustness of the alliance both at home and abroad.
                             In particular, the Minister’s speech on the "Development of the ROK–US alliance
                            and establishment of a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula" to an audience
                            consisting of professors, students, and experts on the Korean Peninsula at the US
                            National Defense University, which was a first for a ROK Minister of National
                            Defense, contributed to broadening the audience’s understanding of the security
                            situation on the Korean Peninsula and the ROK’s defense policies, as well as
                            enhancing the value and meaning of the ROK–US alliance.

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