Page 211 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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sites, cultural experience programs, and field trips to national defense facilities,
               broadening their understanding of Korean history and culture.
                 In November 2019, the MND organized the  ROK–US Alliance Night dinner event
               in celebration of the 51st SCM and invited around 500 guests including ROK and US
               delegates to the SCM, key government officials, USFK and CFC servicemembers,
               and the Korean Augmentation to the United States Army (KATUSA) personnel.
               During the dinner, the Minister of National Defense presented the ROK–US Alliance   10)
                                                                                     Awarded in 2013, Walton
               Award to retired General John H. Tilelli Jr. , the recipient of the 7th General Paik   Walker laid the groudwork
                                                                                     for Incheon Landing by
               Sun-Yup ROK–US Alliance Award.                                        successfully defending the
                 Meanwhile, former US Secretary of Defense,  James Mattis  was selected as the   front line of Nakdonggang
                                                                                     River during the early stage
               recipient of the 8th General Paik Sun- up ROK–US Alliance Award in 2020. The   of the Korean War.
               General Paik Sun- up ROK–US Alliance Award was created in 2013 in celebration   11)
                                                                                     Awarded in 2014, William
               of the 60th anniversary of the ROK–US alliance to strengthen the value and meaning   Weber is the chairman of
                                                                                     the Korean War Veterans
               of the alliance, and is awarded to US personnel who have dedicated themselves to   Memorial Foundation who
                                                                                     has actively campaigned
               the alliance and the defense of the ROK. The honored recipients of the award during   for better recognition of the
                                                                                     Korean War in the US
               the past seven years include the late General Walton Walker,  Colonel William
               Weber,  the late General James Van Fleet,  Major General John Singlaub,  the   Awarded in 2015,
                                                                                     James Van Fleet served   Chapter 6
               late General John Vessey,  the late General Mark Clark,  and General John Tilelli.  in the Korean War as the
                                                                                     commander of the 8th
                 The USFK also runs various programs to enhance mutual understanding between   US Army, also renovated
               the ROK and the US The USFK officially launched the Good Neighbor Program   the training system of the
                                                                                     ROK Armed Forces and
               in 2003 for local communities, which involves open house events, local festivals,   continued to contribute to
                                                                                     the ROK’s development
               friendship dinners, visits to US military vessels, and English classes. The program   after the end of the Korean
               has enabled cultural exchanges between the USFK and local communities, and helped
               enhance their understanding of each other. The USFK soldiers continue to work on   Awarded in 2016, John
                                                                                     Singlab made a significant
               building trust with local communities by supporting local residents and social welfare   contribution in overcoming
                                                                                     the crisis on the Korean
               facilities with typhoon recovery aid and briquette delivery, among others.  Peninsula caused by the
                                                                                     "Panmunjom axe murder
                 Meanwhile, MND has been partici-pating in activities carried out by the "70th   incident" and to the
                                                                                     creation of the CFC.
               Anniversary of the Korean War Co-
               mmemoration Committee", a gover-                                      Awarded in 2017, John
                                                                                     Vessey served as the first
               nment-wide committee launched in                                      Commander of the CFC
               2020 to commemorate the 70th anni-                                    and played a decisive role
                                                                                     in the creation of the CFC
               versary of the outbreak of the Korean                                 as the commander of the
               War. During the ROK Defense Mi-
               nister’s visit to the US in February                                  Awarded in 2018,
                                                                                     Mark Clark, the former
               2020, the Minister paid his respects to                               commander of the UNC,
                                                                                     negotiated and concluded
               Korean War veterans by visiting and                                   an armistice agreement as
                                                 The General Paik Sun-Yup ROK–US Alliance Award   a representative of the UN
               extending his gratitude to the veterans   (November 2019)             forces in the ROK.
                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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