Page 210 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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negotiation results accepted by the National Assembly and the people.
                             Most of the defense sharing cost has been redirected to the ROK economy,
                            contributing to job creation, domestic consumption growth, and regional economic
                            development. All of the labor cost has been paid to the ROK citizens working for
                            the USFK, while 88% of ROK funded construction–with the remaining 12% being
                            design and construction oversight costs–and 100% of the logistics cost are supported
                            in kind (facilities, equipment, services, etc.) through domestic contractors.
                             The SMA has undergone numerous changes over the past three decades. The
                            ROK and the US governments have made continuous efforts to improve rules and
                            regulations in response to the development of democracy and the maturing civil
                            society in the ROK. Transparency and accountability in the defense burden sharing
        Direct and indirect   program have been improved through the enhanced participation from the ROK
        supports are classified as
        follows:            government in the execution process, and various efforts are being made to protect
        •  Direct support: A form
         of support that involves   the rights and interests of the ROK employees in the USFK and improve their job
         government spending
        •  ndirect support: A form   security.
         of support that does
         not involve government   In addition to the defense cost sharing provided in accordance with the SMA,
         spending but supports
         the USFK in a way that   the ROK government directly and indirectly  supports the USFK in various fields.
         helps save the forces’
         financial resources  The composition and scale of direct and indirect supports for the USFK have also
        8)                  changed in line with changes in the security environment. For instance, the ROK
        John H. Tilelli Jr., the   government has been providing direct support including maintenance support
        8th commander of the
        CFC, contributed to the   around USFK bases and support for US communication lines and combined C4I
        maintenance of a robust
        ROK–US alliance, including   system, and indirect support including various tax exemptions and reductions.
        the project for establishing
        the "Wall of Remembrance"   Considering such efforts, the ROK government will continue to carry out discussions
        within the Korean War
        Veterans Memorial in   with the US so that the defense burden sharing amount continues to be determined
        Washington, D.C. The
        General was awarded in   at a reasonable and fair level in the future, while making every effort to ensure that
        2019, appreciating him as a
        representative pro-Korean   the various support provided by the ROK government contributes to reinforcing the
                            development of a robust ROK–US alliance and the enhancement of the combined
        James N. Mattis, the   defense posture.
        26th US Secretary of
        Defense, contributed to
        the defense of the Korean
        Peninsula during his   Enhancing ROK–US Mutual    The ROK and the US operate a variety of
        tenure by emphasizing   Understanding             programs, including ROK–US friendship
        the unwavering security
        pledges in accordance with                        activities, to help enhance trust and build
        the ROK–US alliance. He
        also presented a blueprint   friendship between the two countries. The MND provides a Korean cultural
        for the buildup of a robust
        ROK–US combined     experience program where USFK service members are invited to experience Korean
        defense system after the
        agreement on the Guiding   culture, and since 1972, some 19,000 USFK service members have participated in
        Principles Following the
        Transition of Wartime   this program. In 2019, around 240 USFK service members on f ve separate occasions
        Operational Control in
        2018.               participated in various programs, including Taekwondo camps, visits to historical

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