Page 118 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 118

it also offers a variety of specialized courses, such as mandatory refresher courses
                            for public affairs off cers and NCOs, culture and arts, unif cation and security. It has
                            also developed and supplied advanced contents on the spiritual and mental force of
                            servicemembers. Other tasks of the agency include hosting seminars to promote the
                            development of spiritual and mental force and calling for research papers.

                            Character Education for   To foster outstanding servicemembers who are
                            Servicemembers           positive and responsible citizens of a democratic
                                                     society, the ROK Armed Forces is also enhancing
                            the character education system for servicemembers, with an emphasis on seven
                            fundamental values–creativity, courage, responsibility, respect, cooperation, loyalty,
                            and justice. Intensive character education by civilian experts is coupled with video-
                            based education in everyday life.

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