Page 82 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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combined readiness posture, even after OPCON transition. The Minister and the Secretary concurred in
the important role that this year’s combined command post training had played in maintaining a strong
ROK–US combined defense posture and in conducting the certification assessment for the future ROK–
US CFC Initial Operational Capability (IOC). After review of the assessment report produced by the
combined certification team and the MCM, the Minister and the Secretary reviewed the IOC certification
assessment results. The Minister and the Secretary decided to pursue an assessment of Full Operational
Capability (FOC) for the Future CFC in 2020 and pledged to implement necessary steps, including the
development of Strategic Documents, for the FOC certification assessment.
12. The Minister and the Secretary also affirmed that progress has been made in meeting the conditions
for wartime OPCON transition. The two sides noted that the special Permanent Military Committee (PMC)
was held to assess the critical military capabilities and the efforts of the special PMC promoted the
credibility of the evaluation. The Minister emphasized that the ROK military will continue to acquire
defense capabilities necessary to command the future combined defense system and to pursue wartime
OPCON transition in a systematic as well as proactive manner. The Secretary reaffirmed the US
commitment to continue to provide bridging capabilities until the ROK acquires these capabilities, as well
as enduring capabilities. The Minister pledged to acquire these capabilities expeditiously. The two sides
pledged to engage in regular evaluation and review of progresses in OPCON transition implementation at
the annual SCM and MCM in order to maintain a steadfast combined defense system.
13. The Minister and the Secretary received a report on the results of the US–ROK MCM from the US–
ROK CFC Commander and expressed their satisfaction with the progress in enhancing combined
defense capabilities and developing relevant operational plans as well as Strategic Documents early next
year. The two sides agreed to conduct a joint study on the development of a combined joint multi-
purpose live fire training complex.
14. The Minister and the Secretary decided to continue to strengthen cooperation in various areas,
including space and cyber, in order to ensure an effective joint response against newly emerging threats
and to bolster comprehensive Alliance response capabilities. The Minister and the Secretary
acknowledged the efforts of the respective defense authorities to attain space capabilities, including the
founding of the US Space Command and the establishment of a space surveillance system in the ROK.
The two sides also pledged to explore further cooperative measures to strengthen space capabilities as
an Alliance, such as space situational awareness information sharing systems, and to expand bilateral
and multilateral combined exercises and training events to improve space operation capabilities. They
also pledged to continue engaging in cooperation to develop space professionals equipped with the
capabilities to address new space threats and challenges.
2020 Defense White Paper