Page 81 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 81
7. The Minister and the Secretary noted that the US forces in the ROK have played a critical role in
maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula over the past 66 years, and reaffirmed that US
Forces, Korea (USFK) will continue to play an important role in preventing armed conflict on the Korean
Peninsula and promoting peace and stability in Northeast Asia. Given the current security environment,
the Secretary also reaffirmed the commitment to maintain the current level of the US military personnel in
the ROK and to enhance combat readiness.
8. The Minister and the Secretary reviewed preparations for the relocation of the Combined Forces
Command (CFC) Headquarters to Camp Humphreys that had been approved by the two sides at the June
3, 2019, ministerial-level meeting. The Minister and the Secretary confirmed that the CFC Headquarters
relocation strengthens the ROK–US combined defense posture, and pledged to complete the CFC
Headquarters relocation expeditiously. The two sides also pledged to work together so that the relocation
contributes toward a stable transition following transfer of wartime operational control (OPCON) in
accordance with the Alliance Guiding Principles and the Conditions-based OPCON Transition Plan (COTP).
9. The Minister and the Secretary exchanged views on how the adjusted ROK–US combined exercise
and training supported the existing diplomatic efforts to achieve complete denuclearization and
permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. The two sides also assessed that the adjusted combined
exercise and training maintained the ROK–US combined defense posture and military readiness while
contributing to an environment conducive to OPCON transition, and pledged to continue close
coordination on the actions to be implemented in this regard. Both sides assessed that the ROK–US
Alliance must continue to focus on military readiness and the combined defense posture to address the
dynamic changes on the Peninsula.
10. The Minister and the Secretary committed to cooperate closely to develop comprehensive Alliance
capabilities in response to common security threats. The Minister emphasized the plans of the ROK to
continue to reinforce its defense capabilities in order to respond proactively to omnidirectional security
threats and to be capable of leading future security environment changes through the ongoing Defense
Reform 2.0. The Secretary expressed his expectations that the ROK military’s defense reform would
contribute to the enhancement of comprehensive Alliance capabilities and to the establishment of a
robust US–ROK binational Future-CFC commanded by a ROK general/flag officer.
11. The Minister and the Secretary reviewed the progress of relevant tasks for OPCON transition,
discussed the way-ahead, and commended realistic achievements and strides made in preparation for
the wartime OPCON transition to a ROK-commanded Future-CFC. The two sides reaffirmed the
implementation of the Alliance Guiding Principles that had been signed in 2018 to maintain a steadfast