Page 78 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 78


                       Combined ·Joint Exercises and Training

            ROK–US Combined Exercise

                    Name               Type              Purpose          Description
                                                                     •  Initial response to crisis
                                                  •  Command theater   management
                                                   operations and gain   •  Gain proficiency with wartime
                                                   proficiency with warfighting   transition procedures
                                                   procedures under the
            Combined command post                  current combined defense   •  Gain proficiency with
            training in the first half and   Command post exercise (CPX)  system   operational plan execution
            second half                           •  Improve ROK–US combined   procedures
            (CCPT)                                                   •  Gain proficiency with
                                                   operations and rear area
                                                   defense operations   reception, staging, onward
                                                                      movement, and integration
                                                                      procedures within the
                                                                      combined operational areas
              Concurrently verify and evaluate the operational capabilities of the F-CFC in preparation for the wartime OPCON transition under the ROK–US agreement

            ROK Armed Forces Joint Exercise and Training

                   Name              Type              Purpose            Description
                                                •  Cultivate the joint operational
                                                 command capabilities  •  National crisis response
                                                •  Gain proficiency with   support
                                Theater-level CPX and               •  Crisis management procedure
              Ulchi Taegeuk Exercise             procedures for carrying out the
                                 government exercise                 exercise
                                                 Chungmu plan and warfighting
                                                 SOPs in association with   •  Wartime transition procedure
                                                 military exercises
                                                                    •  Operational plan execution
                                                                     training in preparation for local
                                                •  Establish military readiness
                               Operational command-level   posture and cultivate joint   provocations and full-scale war
                Hoguk Training                                      •  Exercise to apply operations
                                 field training exercise  operations execution   execution procedures
                                                                     according to changes in the
                                                                     operational environment
                                                •  Gain proficiency with wartime   •  Counter-terrorism operations
                                                 and peacetime operational plan   •  Operations to prepare against
                                                 execution procedures
                                  Integrated civil–                  infiltrations and local
              Comprehensive rear area           •  Enhance the residents’ security
             training (Hwarang Training)  government–military–police   awareness   provocations
                                defense training by area            •  Wartime transition
                                                •  Confirm the integrated   •  Operations to prepare against
                                                 civil–government–military–  a full-scale war
                                                 police defense posture

               2020 Defense White Paper
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