Page 60 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 60

4) Humanitarian cooperation in the maritime peace zone
                  If individuals, vessels, naval ships or aircraft enter the maritime peace zone in unavoidable situations
                such as engine failure, distress, or misnavigation resulting from deterioration of weather, each side
                must immediately notify the other side through communication means at its disposal.
                  When such emergency situation arises within the maritime peace zone, necessary measures will be
                taken through mutual cooperation.
             5) Utilization of the maritime peace zone
                 The two sides agreed to continue to explore options for peaceful utilization of the zone, including
               marine survey, joint survey, and passage of civilian vessels in accordance with the principle of easing
               of military tension, confidence building as well as common prosperity and mutual benefit.

            2. Establishment of a pilot joint fishing zone
              1) Scope of the pilot joint fishing zone
                  The pilot joint fishing zone will be established between Baengnyeong-do (South) and Jangsan-got
                (North). Specific boundary lines will be established through consultations at the Inter-Korean Joint
                Military Committee.
              2) Operation of the pilot joint fishing zone
                ˝  Vessels that wish to operate within the pilot zone will submit an entry request document 2 days (48
                  hours) prior to the planned entry, including the name of organization, name of the captain
                  (representative), crew list, vessel name, entry route, and date of operation.
                ˞  The responsible agencies of each side must notify the other side of the result of its review of the
                  request document 1 day (24 hours) prior to departure. If entry of a vessel is denied, the agencies
                  will also notify the valid reasons for denial.
                ˟  The responsible agencies of each side will allow vessels to remain within the pilot fishing zone for
                  up to 5 days, if the vessel had requested permission for consecutive fishing operations for a
                  certain period.
                ˠ  Vessels entering the pilot joint fishing zone will use the mutually approved route and will be
                  controlled by fishery guidance boats from each side.
                ˡ  If, in the future, the joint fishing zone is expanded within the maritime peace zone, entry
                  regulations for South and North Korean fishing vessels will be implemented through mutual

            3. Joint patrol to interdict illegal fishing vessels and ensure safe fishing activities
              1) Organization of the Inter-Korean Joint Patrol Team
                ˝  The two sides will establish an 'Inter-Korean Joint Patrol Team' composed of maritime coast

               2020 Defense White Paper
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