Page 73 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 73

In particular, in preparation for wartime OPCON transition, the ROK Armed
               Forces maintains a robust combined readiness posture by conducting combined
               certification assessment  during ROK–US combined exercises and has established
               a readiness posture against a full-scale war by improving its capabilities to conduct
               operations and lead combined exercises.
                 In addition, the ROK government’s Ulchi exercise was integrated with the Taegeuk
               exercise, a ROK-only exercise of the ROK Armed Forces, thereby launching the
               Ulchi Taegeuk exercise .                                                                Chapter 3
                 Combined field maneuver training exercises (FTX)  fully utilize the advanced
               weapons systems and operational management system of the ROK–US combined
               forces under the principle of "ensuring a balanced combined readiness posture
               throughout the year". Various additional training methods are applied to enhance the
               capability to conduct combined operations.
                 The ROK Armed Forces is developing concepts to conduct operations in
               preparation of a full-scale war aimed at achieving a complete victory "with minimum
               damages within the shortest period of time". The ROK Armed Forces will maintain
               steadfast combined operational capabilities through ROK–US combined exercises
               and trainings. In case of contingencies, it will employ combined and joint forces to
               end the war at an early stage by achieving decisive victories in all domains including
               ground, air, sea, space, and cyber.

               Strengthening the ROK–US     The ROK Armed Forces is maintaining and
               Combined Defense Posture     enhancing the combined defense posture

                                            based on a robust ROK–US alliance capable of
               firmly responding to North Korea’s provocation for a full-scale war. With the robust   It is conducted to verify
                                                                                     and assess the mission
               combined defense posture and military readiness posture, the ROK Armed Forces’   execution capability of the
                                                                                     future ROK–US Combined
               efforts are underway to pursue wartime OPCON transition systematically and   Forces Command (CFC)
                                                                                     which is led by the ROK
               proactively under close consultation with the US.                     Armed Forces.
                 The Armed Forces of the ROK and the US will coordinate closely and exert efforts   15)
               to maintain a much stronger combined defense posture even after wartime OPCON   It is an exercise to improve
                                                                                     national emergency
               transition.                                                           preparedness capability
                                                                                     and military readiness
                 Moving forward, the two counties will continue to strengthen their combined   posture in the concept of
                                                                                     comprehensive security
               defense posture by stably managing alliance issues through various defense   through crisis response
                                                                                     training for large-scale
               consultative bodies.                                                  complex disasters and
                                                                                     wartime preparation
                                                                                     exercises at the level of
                                                                                     national-scale war.
               Reinforcing War    In order to reinforce sustainment capabilities, the ROK
               Sustainability     Armed Forces is acquiring and maintaining forces, equip-   Field Training Exercise

                            Chapter 3.  Safeguarding Peace by Establishing a Robust Defense Posture Against Omnidirectional Security Threats   71
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