Page 68 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 68

The Air Force will achieve overwhelming air superiority by continuing to acquire
                            the highly advanced fighters such as the F-35A, and will expand its air surveillance
                            and reconnaissance capabilities by introducing medium- to high-altitude
                            reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

                            United States Forces Korea   The United States Forces Korea (USFK)
                            and Augmentation Forces     consists of the 8th US Army, US Naval Forces
                                                        Korea, US Marine Forces Korea, Special
                            Operations Command Korea, and US Air Forces Korea. The USFK commander
                            concurrently serves as the commander of the UN Command and the commander
                            of the ROK–US Combined Forces Command. Key organizations and assets of the
                            USFK are shown in [Chart 3-5].

                            [Chart 3-5] Key Organizations and Assets of the USFK


                                                        U.S. Marine Forces   Special Operations
                              8th U.S. Army  U.S. Naval Forces Korea              U.S. Air Forces Korea
                                                           Korea      Command Korea
                                                                                   7th U.S. Air Force
                                      501st Military                       19th Expeditionary
                             2nd Infantry      35th Air Defense   65th Medical
                              Division  Intelligence   Artillery Brigade  Brigade  1st Signal Brigade  Sustainment
                                        Brigade                              Command
                                                                      8th Fighter Wing  51st Fighter Wing

                              Troops    Fighters  Attack helicopters  Tanks  Armored vehicles   Field artillery/  Patriot missiles
                            Approx. 28,500  Approx. 90  Approx. 40  Approx. 50  Approx. 130  MLRS  Approx. 60
                                                                            Approx. 10 / 40

                             US augmentation forces that deploy to the Korean Peninsula during contingencies
                            to support the defense of the ROK consist of 690,000 troops, 160 vessels, and 2,000
        10)                 aircraft from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. The augmentation
        A series of political,   forces are deployed incrementally depending on how the crisis develops. It is done in
        economic, diplomatic,
        and military options that   two different modes–Flexible Deterrence Option (FDO)  and Time Phased Force
        are part of the CFC Crisis
        Action Standard Operating   Deployment Data (TPFDD) –pursuant to Article 2 of the Mutual Defense Treaty
        Procedures and that have
        to be promptly executed to   between the ROK and the US When a crisis builds up on the Korean Peninsula,
        deter war
                            the FDO, which aims to deter war and mitigate the crisis, is executed to deploy
        Force deployment list   the designated forces. If an actual war begins, combat and support units will be
        and data of the US
        augmentation forces for the   reinforced in accordance with the TPFDD to ensure the execution of the ROK–US
        execution of the ROK–US
        joint operational plans  combined operations plan.

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