Page 58 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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of additional director-general and director-level positions in the MND to the civilian
                            workforce; (b) reduction in the period of mandatory military service by 64 days in
                            the Army; (c) downsizing the total number of general officers by 46; (d) increase in
                            the proportion of female servicemembers to 7.4% and improvements in their working
                            conditions; (e) development of force operational capability based on advanced ICTs
                            including Big Data and IoT and the installation of scientific training centers for
                            reserve forces with the introduction of virtual simulation shooting equipment; and
                            (f) expansion of the scientific training system such as the application of the smart
                            reserve force training management system. Moreover, further improvements have
                            been made management, as well as installation of community-friendly military
                            facilities by relaxing and lifting military installation protection zones (428.8㎢, which
                            is 147 times the size of Yeouido), including civilian control line and the removal of
                            barbed-wire fences (34.7㎞) along coastlines and rivers. To respond to transnational
                            and nonmilitary security threats in relation to COVID-19, the MND has expanded
                            the existing task of "reinforcing professional competencies in preparation for
                            terrorism and disaster" to a more comprehensive task of "developing non-traditional
                            threat defense response system" and is proactively enhancing the military’s response
                            capabilities by developing relevant laws and systems, such as improving structures
                            and organizations, and strengthening the military’s support capabilities.
                             Regarding the barracks culture, the Military Service Act was revised in December
                            2019 to provide an alternative option to military service for those who object to
                            conscription based on religious beliefs; in August 2020, the military disciplinary
                            guardhouse system was replaced with human rights-friendly military training to

                            guarantee servicemembers’ human rights. Also, the a probe committee investigating
                            deaths in the military was established to support the efforts to ascertain the truth of
                            questionable deaths in the military. Furthermore, the MND has drastically improved
                            the service conditions for enlisted servicemembers through measures such as a
                            pay raise (i.e., KRW 540,900 for an army sergeant in 2020), increase in passes after
                            work hours on weekdays, full permission to use mobile phones, self-development
                            subsidies (KRW 100,000 per person in 2020), and a 50% increase in financial aid
                            to attend online college courses. The MND also improved the housing support
                            system to increase the number of officers who own a house and strengthened its
                            employment support for discharged soldiers while shaping the conditions to enable
                            enlisted servicemembers to fully concentrate on their duties by making it easier to
                            use military hospitals, as well as simplifying procedures for using private hospitals.
                            Furthermore, designation of adjudicators and reduction of punishment by officers
                            with convening authority are being strictly controlled and monitored, while the

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