Page 56 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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public demand for human rights and welfare. Thus, the feasibility of Defense Reform
                            2.0 has been greatly enhanced by securing the required budget and promoting the
                            enactment and revision of laws and regulations with the aim of completing more
                            realistic reforms within the current administration’s term.

                            2. Tasks

                            In addition to the 43 tasks in the four major fields-military structure, defense
                            operation, military culture, and defense projects-tasks in the field of smart defense
                            innovation, which applies Fourth Industrial Revolution technology to all areas of
                            national defense, have been added to Defense Reform 2.0.
                             Military structure reform involves creating an elite military structure based on
                            cutting-edge science and technology so that it can take the initiative and respond
                            resiliently to omnidirectional security threats. To this end, unit reorganization will be
                            pursued with the goal of reducing the number of standing troops from 618,000 (2017)
                            to 500,000 by 2022 and reducing the number of army divisions from 39 to 33 in line
                            with such reduction. Although the number of troops and units will be reduced, actual
                            combat capabilities will be strengthened through the reorganization of the combat-
                            oriented defense manpower structure, including reinforcement of officers in combat
                            units, expansion of the civilian workforce in the non-combat field, and fielding of
                            cutting-edge weapons systems.
                             Defense management reform aims to realize an advanced national defense

                            management system by enhancing high efficiency, reliability, and openness.
                            Accordingly, the MND will adjust the number of general officers, shorten the period
                            of mandatory service, increase the proportion of female soldiers, establish civilian
                            control, and improve participation of and communication with the public.
                             Military culture reform involves the establishing a military culture instilled with
                            morale and willingness to serve by guaranteeing human rights and welfare of the
                            soldiers to a point that satisfies the demands of the people. The MND will strive to
                            reform the military justice system and abolish the military confinement facilities to
                            protect servicemembers’ human rights and improve their welfare.
                             Defense projects reform aims to secure international competitiveness in terms
                            of efficiency, transparency, and expertise. To achieve this, initiatives such as
                            improvements to defense acquisition education and human resources system,
                            creative and challenging R&D, re-establishment of the roles of defense R&D
                            agencies, and stringent measures on prevention of corruption will be pursued.

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