Page 420 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 420

Number of   Membership
                                    Member States  Status of the
                        Classification                            Main Contents
                                     (Effective/  ROK and North
                                     Established)  Korea
                                                ROK    •  Any exports of nuclear-related materials to non-NPT
                      Zangger Committee  (August   (October 1995)  members that possess no nuclear weapons are
                           (ZC)               North Korea   conditional on the IAEA safeguards
                                             (not a member) •  Only NPT members are allowed to join
                                                ROK    •  Export control of nuclear substances, technology,
                       Nuclear Suppliers   (January   (October 1995)  equipment, and dual-use items
                        Group (NSG)           North Korea   •  Export control of all non-nuclear weapon states
                                             (not a member)  regardless of their NPT member status
             Multilateral                       ROK    •  Export control regime to prevent the proliferation of
              Export    Australia Group  43  (October 1996)
              Control      (AG)      (June 1985)  North Korea   chemical and biological weapon-related substances,
                                                        dual-use items, and technologies to states of concern
             Regimes                         (not a member)
                       Missile Technology   35  (March 2001)  •  A regime that voluntarily controls the proliferation of
                     Control Regime (MTCR)  (April 1987)  North Korea   rockets, unmanned aerial vehicles, and related
                                                        equipment and technology capable of carrying WMD
                                             (not a member)
                     Wassenaar Arrangement   42  (July 1996)  •   Export control regime regarding conventional weapons,
                           (WA)      (July 1996)  North Korea   dual-use items, and technologies
                                             (not a member)

            Prevention of                              •  International cooperative activities with the aim of
            Proliferation   Proliferation Security   107  ROK   cutting off the illicit trade of WMDs, missiles, and
              WMD       Initiatives (PSI)   (June 2003)  (May 2009)  related supplies by rogue states and terrorist groups
                                                        and preventing the proliferation of such items

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