Page 417 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 417


                                Defense Cooperation Agreements with
                                              Foreign Countries        1)

                                                                                     As of November 2020
                        Country  Concluded in  Country  Concluded in  Country  Concluded in  Country  Concluded in
                                           Jordan   October
                       Germany   May 1994                    Philippines  October 2013  Fiji  January 2017
                                           (treaty)  2009
                        Canada   May 1995  Singapore        Poland (treaty)  October 2013  Egypt  March 2017
                                  August            February           December
                        Israel             Lithuania         Azerbaijan          Angola  March 2017
                                  1995               2010               2013
                                 November          September                             September
                        Russia              India           New Zealand  May 2014  Myanmar
                                  1996               2010                                  2017
                                 November          September           November          September
                        Turkey            Kazakhstan        Qatar (treaty)      Cambodia
                                  1999               2010               2014               2018
                                 December           October            February          September
                       Mongolia            Vietnam          Czech Republic       Brunei
                                  1999               2010               2015               2018
                                 November           October                       Italy
                        Kuwait             Romania           Colombia  March 2015       October 2018
                                  2004               2010                        (treaty)
                      Brazil (treaty)  March 2006  Gabon      Bulgaria  May 2015  Chile (treaty)  April 2019
                                September           October
                        Ukraine             Peru            Turkmenistan  May 2015  Bahrain  June 2019
                                  2006               2011
                                 November           December
                      UAE (treaty)         Australia         Paraguay  January 2016  Oman  October 2019
                                  2006               2011
                        Spain              Thailand  March 2012  Ethiopia  May 2016  Senegal  October 2019
                       Uzbekistan  June 2008  China  July 2012  Uganda  May 2016  Hungary
                                         Saudi Arabia  February
                        Japan    April 2009                   Ecuador  July 2016
                                           (treaty)  2013
                       Sweden    July 2009  Indonesia  October   Botswana  January 2017
                                           (treaty)  2013

                     1)    Significance: This is a document on the basic agreement for promoting mutual defense cooperation, stating comprehensive
                        provisions such as cooperation principles, sectors, and methods.
                        Standardization: refers to standardizing warheads so that they can be mounted on multiple types of missiles
                         Content: cooperation principle (mutual reciprocity, etc.), cooperation scope (military information, military personnel
                        exchanges, defense industry, logistics, etc.), administrative matters (cost burden, effect, etc.)

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