Page 418 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 418


                International Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
                            Agreements and Organizations

                                                                             As of November 2020
                                     Number of   Membership
                                    Member States  Status of the
                        Classification                            Main Contents
                                     (Effective/  ROK and North
                                     Established)  Korea
                                                       •  One of six committees in the UN General Assembly
                                       193              (UNGA) to discuss issues concerning disarmament
                      First Committee of the   (October   (September 1991)  and international security
                      UN General Assembly     North Korea
                                      1945)            •  Recommends 50 to 60 draft resolutions annually to
                                             (September 1991)
                                                        UNGA, and most of them are adopted by UNGA
                                                       •  Selects three major issues concerning disarmament
                                       193   (September 1991)  and nonproliferation and submits a report to UNGA
                       UN Disarmament                   after in-depth review
               UN     Commission (UNDC)  (January   North Korea   •  A deliberative body to elicit directions and principles
             Organiza                 1952)  (September 1991)  of the international community’s agreement
                                                        concerning major issues
                                                       •  The only international negotiation body that is in
                                                        charge of multilateral disarmament
                                                ROK    •  Majority of key disarmament-related multilateral
                        Conference on         (June 1996)  treaties are established through negotiations in CD
                       Disarmament (CD)  (February   North Korea   •  Although not an organization directly under UNGA, it
                                              (June 1996)  is operated by a regular UN budget and its agendas
                                                        and standing rules independently
                                                       •  Submits an annual report to UNGA
                                               (April 1975)  •  Provides technological support to promote the
                     Nuclear Non-proliferation   (March   North Korea   peaceful use of nuclear energy
                         Treaty (NPT)        (December 1985)  •  Prevents the diversion of nuclear materials from
                                              * Withdrew in   civilians to military purposes
                                              January 2003
              Nuclear                           ROK
             Weapons  International Atomic   172  (September 1999)  •  Prohibits all nuclear tests in all environments (including
                                                        the atmosphere, outer space, underground, and
                      Energy Agency (IAEA)  (July 1957)  North Korea  underwater)
                                              (not a member)
                                       184             •  Prohibits all nuclear tests in all environments (including
                     Comprehensive Nuclear-  (September 1999)
                     Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)  (not   North Korea  the atmosphere, outer space, underground, and
                                     effectuated)       underwater)
                                              (not a member)
                     Hague Code of Conduct   143  (November 2002)  •  Voluntary and political code of conduct to prevent the
                      against Ballistic Missile   (November   North Korea   proliferation of ballistic missiles
                      Proliferation (HCOC)  2002)
              Missiles                       (not a member)
             and Space                          ROK
                       Committee on the   95           •  Provides the basic principles for technical and legal
                     Peaceful Uses of Outer   (December   (September 1994)  issues regarding the exploration and peaceful uses of
                                              North Korea
                       Space (COPUOS)  1959)            outer space
                                             (not a member)
                                       183             •  Complete prohibition of the development, production
                      Biological Weapons   (March   (June 1987)  and stockpiling of biological weapons (agents or
                       Convention (BWC)  1975)  North Korea   toxins)
             Biological                      (March 1987)
             Chemical                           ROK    •  Complete prohibition of the development, production,
             Weapons   Chemical Weapons   193   (April 1997)  stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons
                       Convention (CWC)  (April 1997)  North Korea   •  Mandates the destruction of all chemical weapons
                                                        within 10 years of accession to CWC
                                             (not a member)
                                                       *   If inevitable, the deadline may be extended by 5 years
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