Page 315 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 315

Kaesong Industrial Complex, only to
               be suspended in February 2016 follow-
               ing the closure of the complex. Thanks
               to the progress in relations between the
               two Koreas, however, ground traffic
               resumed with North Korean delega-
               tions consisting of officials, athletes,
               and cheering squads traveling to the   Ground vehicles escorted across the joint
                                                 administrative area (West Transportation Corridor)
               ROK via roads to participate in the
               PyeongChang Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games in February 2018. As a
               result, ground traffic through the Donghae and Gyeongui lines has been active due
               to a separated families reunion event in Mt. Kumgang in August 2018, joint survey
               on the roads of the Gyeongui and Donghae lines conducted in August and December
               2018, and joint survey on the railways of the Gyeongui and Donghae lines conducted
               between November and December 2018. Regular daily traffic was resumed in the
               Joint Administrative Area in Transportation Corridor West as the two Koreas
               opened the "Inter-Korean Liaison Office" in the Kaesong Industrial Complex on
               September 14, 2018 according to the Panmunjom Declaration. In late January 2020,
               however, as the operation of the Joint Liaison Office was temporarily suspended due
               to COVID-19, ground traffic on the Gyeongui line was also suspended. If inter-
               Korean ground traffic begins in earnest through improved inter-Korean relations and
               invigorated exchanges and cooperation, the ROK Armed Forces will provide
               military assurance in consultation with the UNC and the military authorities of

               North Korea and continue to guard and escort inter-Korean traffic within the DMZ.       Chapter 8
                 Maritime traffic was suspended in 2010 when North Korean vessels were banned
               from operation in ROK waters as a result of the May 24 measures . However,
               maritime traffic was temporarily resumed in February 2018 when the Man Gyong
               Bong 92 ferry that departed from Wonsan Harbor, carrying a North Korean art
               troupe sent to participate in the PyeongChang Olympics, was allowed to enter the   Sanctions imposed by the
               port of Mukho. Once maritime traffic is fully resumed, the ROK Armed Forces will   ROK government against
                                                                                     North Korea in response
               take the necessary military actions to guarantee the safety of vessels.  to the sinking of the ROKS
                                                                                     Cheonan, announced
                 Air traffic has been mainly carried out via a direct route opened on a temporary   on May 24, 2010, which
                                                                                     included prohibiting North
               basis over the West Sea. A North Korean high-level delegation visiting the ROK   Korean ships from sailing in
                                                                                     ROK waters, halting inter-
               in February 2018 and a ROK delegation and an art troupe visiting North Korea   Korean trade (excluding
                                                                                     the Kaesong Industrial
               in March 2018 as well as the delegation visiting North Korea for the inter-Korean   Complex), banning visits by
                                                                                     the ROK citizens to North
               summit in Pyongyang in September used the temporary direct route over the West   Korea, suspending new
                                                                                     ROK investments in North
               Sea. A direct route opened on a temporary basis over the East Sea, on the other hand,   Korea, and all aid projects.

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