Page 312 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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implementation of CMA will greatly contribute to the ROK government’s efforts to
                            establish lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

                            Arms Control      In the Panmunjom Declaration, the ROK and North Korea
                                              agreed to a disarmament in stages as military tensions are
                            eased and effective measures for building military confidence are enforced. This was
                            a reaffirmation by the leaders of the two Koreas of the resolve to implement the
                            agreed measures related to existing inter-Korean military confidence building that
                            are included in the July 4th North-South Korea Joint Statement, the Agreement on
                            Reconciliation, Nonaggression and Exchanges and Cooperation, the June 15th
                            North-South Joint Declaration, and the 2007 North-South Summit Declaration.
                             In order to thoroughly implement the Panmunjom Declaration in from a military
                            perspective, the military authorities of the two Koreas adopted the CMA and
                            reached an agreement to enforce various measures for mutual confidence building.
                            Therefore, both parties agreed to actively promote measures to prevent accidental
                            clashes and build military confidence, creating a new momentum for easing tensions
                            on the Korean Peninsula.
                             The MND continues to make efforts for arms control so as to create conditions
        Stabilization of the arms   for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and establish a lasting
        race between two potential   peace regime and enhance military stability on the Korean Peninsula. First, while
        enemy states; in other
        words, all efforts toward   continuing consultations with North Korea to ensure an early launch of the Inter-
        increasing security by
        eliminating or minimizing   Korean Joint Military Committee, which was agreed upon by both parties to
        the risks and burdens of
        war through operational   discuss various military issues, the MND is seeking to enforce realizable measures
        and structural arms control
        (military forces, weapons)   to implement effective arms control considering the changes in the security
        of military force and
        imposition of sanctions   environment and progress in the measures for building military confidence between
        against any violation of the
        agreed-upon terms.  the two Koreas. In addition, the MND is striving to steadfastly promote measures to
        5)                  prevent accidental clashes and build military confidence by genuinely transforming
        Operational arms control
        reduces and prevents the   the DMZ into a peace zone, turning the area of the NLL in the West Sea into a
        risk of surprise attacks and
        war by constraining the   maritime peace zone, building a consultative regime available at all times for the
        operations and deployment
        of military forces without   military authorities of the two Koreas, and installing hotlines. Based on the progress
        changing the structure or   on easing military tensions and building confidence as a result of a favorable
        scale of military forces.
                            response from North Korea, the MND will promote operational arms control  by
        Any measures adopted to   stages such as limiting and controlling major military activities and limiting and
        maintain the stability and
        balance of the military by   adjusting the deployment of military forces. Furthermore, based on the progress
        structurally constraining
        or reducing military forces   made on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and establishment of a peace
        and weapons systems as
        practical elements of forces   regime, the MND will gradually promote structural arms control  in stages to
        including their scale and
        organization.       substantially guarantee peace.

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