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passing through the MDL. However, as inter-Korean relations stalled following the
                            US–North Korea summit in Hanoi, joint inter-Korean remains recovery operations
                            were first carried out in the southern side of Arrowhead Hill from April to the end
                            of November 2019. As a result, the ROK Armed Forces was able to recover 260
                            remains (approximate) and 67,000 artifacts. In addition, from April to November
                            2020, in preparation for joint inter-Korean remains recovery operations, the ROK
                            Armed Forces removed landmines and conducted recovery on the southern side of
                            Arrowhead Hill to recover additional 140 sets of remains (approximate) and 17,000
                             In relation to the joint use of the Han River estuary, an inter-Korean joint waterway
                            survey was conducted in the estuary from November 5 to December 9, 2018.
                            Through the survey, the two Koreas found more than 20 reefs and confirmed various
                            kinds of information on the section spanning 600 kilometers where the survey
                            was conducted. Taking into account the results of the inter-Korean joint waterway
                            survey, the ROK Armed Forces laid the foundation for the freedom of navigation of
                            civilian ships in the Han River estuary by making a nautical chart of the estuary and
                            providing this chart directly to North Korea on January 30, 2019.
                             At the 10th inter-Korean general officer-level talks held on October 26, 2018,
                            the military authorities of the ROK and North Korea agreed to draw up a "plan
                            to organize and operate the Inter-Korean Joint Military Committee" under the
                            "Agreement on the Composition and Operation of the Inter-Korean Military
                            Committee" agreed upon by both parties in May 1992. As a high-level military
                            consultative body, the Inter-Korean Joint Military Committee will be headed by a

                            vice ministerial-level official or higher, and the agenda subject to discussion will
                            include various pending military issues that require discussion between the military
                            authorities of the two Koreas, including those specified in the CMA.
                             While maintaining a robust military readiness posture, the ROK Armed Forces
                            will shape the conditions for the CMA to be effectively implemented in order to
                            reduce military tensions and build confidence between the two Koreas, thereby
                            continuing to contribute to the momentum behind the "Korean Peninsula peace

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