Page 131 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 131

In collaboration with the local governments, the training centers will be open on
               weekends when there is no training to make the space available to local residents,
               such as security field trips.

               [Chart 4-6] Smart Reserve Forces Training and Management System

                1. Registration and discharge management  2. Real-time evaluation management
               Body temperature  Breathalyzer  ID card reader  CCTV  Indoor AP
               sensor                                  Outdoor AP         BLE scanner

                                                     DID  Wearable   computer
                  Training control room  Registration   device for  for instructors Training control room  Chapter 4
                                                       reserve forces
               3. Comprehensive control and management of   4. Big data management of training results
                 training centers
                        ·  Facilities
                        ·  Training
                        ·  Training aids  Indoor shooting range
                        ·  Training   (environmental sensor)    Training control room:
                        ·   Budget                              real-time settlement
                                                 <Enter training results>
                                                 ·  Excellent personnel,
                                                  early discharge, etc.
                                                 ·  Management by type
                                                  and reason
               Meal evaluation,   Training control room         National mobilization information
               menu preference, and meal status                 system receives results

                 To modernize the facilities in the mobilization training centers, the MND plans

               to complete the construction or renovation of 116 facilities including mobilization
               dormitories, dining facilities for reserve forces, and security education centers by

               [Chart 4-7]  Changes in Scientific Reserve Forces Training Centers and Monetary
                       Compensation for Mobilization Training

                  Scientific reserve forces training centers            112,000
                 Compensation for mobilization training (unit: KRW)
                                                        91,000        40
                      5  won

                      2018            2020             2022            2024

                                                 Chapter 4.  Building an Innovative Force by Promoting Strong Defense Reform    129
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