Page 126 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 126
2 Reorganizing Defense
Manpower Structure Focused
on Operation and Combat and
Priming the Reserved Forces
into an Elite Force
The MND will gradually reduce the number of standing troops to 500,000 by 2022 in line
with the future strategic environment, military strategy, and unit reorganization plans.
To prevent the loss of combat power due to fewer troops, active duty noncombatant
positions will be transferred to combat units, and those noncombatant positions will be
filled with the civilian workforce, further accelerating the reorganization of the military
manpower structure centered around operations and combats. Efforts are also being
made in priming the reserve forces into an elite force by applying advanced technologies
to the reserved forces training system and promoting the introduction of a peacetime
service program for reserve forces.
1. Reducing the Number of Standing Troops to 500,000
Considering the projected supply and demand for military service resources, the
MND plans to gradually reduce the number of standing troops to 500,000 by 2022
in connection with the future strategic environment, military strategy, and unit
reorganization plans. The number of troops in the Army will be reduced to around
365,000, while the Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force will remain unchanged.
[Chart 4-5] Standing Troops Reduction and Civilian Workforce Expansion Plan
Category 2017 2020 2022
Defense Workforce
(Standing troops + Approx. 650,000 Approx. 602,000 Approx. 558,000
Civilian workforce)
Total Approx. 618,000 Approx. 555,000 Approx. 500,000
Army Approx. 483,000 Approx. 420,000 Approx. 365,000
Troops Navy Approx. 70,000 Approx. 70,000 Approx. 70,000
(Marine Corps) (Approx. 29,000) (Approx. 29,000) (Approx. 29,000)
Air Force Approx. 65,000 Approx. 65,000 Approx. 65,000
Civilian Workforce Approx. 32,000 Approx. 47,000 Approx. 58,000
(Proportion compared to (5%) (7.8%) (10.4%)
defense workforce)
124 2020 Defense White Paper