Page 125 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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warfare aircraft. In addition, the Hawk Battery will be reorganized and operated as
               the Cheongung Battery for complex and wide area multi-layer defense, and the Air
               Defense and Missile Command will be reorganized with the establishment of a
               ballistic missile surveillance battalion and a long-range surface-to-air missile
               (L-SAM) battalion. The Air Force unit restructure plan is shown in [Chart 4-4].

               2.  Reorganizing the Joint Units and Units Under Direct Control of the MND

               The restructuring of the joint units and units under the direct control of the MND
               focuses on improving the expertise of the respective services and the balance           Chapter 4
               among them, expanding the civilian workforce, ensuring organizational efficacy,
               strengthening jointness, and ensuring proper command range in consideration of the
               effective execution of unit missions and the implication of dismantling joint units and
               units directly controlled by the MND.
                 To achieve this, the Defense Security Support Command has reconfigured its
               organization and functions to meet its missions, which include military security,
               counterintelligence, and defense security support. The command relationship of the
               defense posture inspection team was adjusted from the MND to the JCS in order
               to strengthen the inspection function of the Chairman of the JCS and to ensure
               the Chairman’s command and oversight over operational units. The Joint Forces
               Military University (JFMU) was placed under the command of the Korea National
               Defense University (KNDU) while maintaining its jointness education. The Army,

               Navy, and Air Force colleges under the JFMU were placed under the command of
               each service to cultivate the expertise required by each service. The ROK Cyber
               Command was transitioned from a unit directly controlled by the MND to the Cyber
               Operations Command, a joint unit, to reinforce its operational capabilities in the
                 In addition, the manpower structure has been reorganized in ways to improve
               combat power and expertise by transferring active duty servicemembers working
               in administrative and support units to combat units and filling these positions with
               civilian workforce who are able to make longer commitments in the roles. To further
               improve the expertise and specialties of each service, some units under direct control
               of the MND will either be consolidated, or their functions will be transferred to each

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