Page 109 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 109

Session         Date                      Main Contents

                                                  Confirmation hearing candidate for Chairman of the JCS (Jeong Kyeong-doo)
                                   August 18, 2017      Adoption of the progress report on the confirmation hearing of candidate for
                                               Chairman of the JCS (Jeong Kyeong-doo)
                                                  Account balances for the 2016 fiscal year
                353  Extraordinary Session        Request for inspection by the Board of Audit and Inspection regarding the force
                  (August 18 - 31, 2017)  August 23, 2017  integration of loudspeaker toward North Korea
                                                  Total of seven bills introduced including a partial amendment to the National
                                               Defense Reform Act
                                                  Status report on the MND affairs (regarding North Korean Missile Launch and
                                   August 31, 2017
                                               progress of UFG)
                                   September 4,
                                                  Urgent issue report (regarding North Korean 6  nuclear test)
                                                  Total of 40 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Military
                                   September 18,   Personnel Management Act
                                      2017        Resolution urging the withdrawal of the decision to defer THAAD deployment
                                                  Status report on the MND affairs (regarding North Korean Missile Launch)
                                   September 20,       Total of seven bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Military
                                      2017     Healthcare Act
                                     October       National assembly state inspection (a total of 62 organizations and agencies
                                    12 - 31, 2017  including the MND)
                                    November 7,       2018 overall budget/proposal for the operation and management of funds/
                  354  Regular Session   2017  proposal for the limit amount on build-transfer-lease (BTL) projects
                    (September 1 -
                                                  2018 overall budget/proposal for the operation and management of funds/
                   December 9, 2017)
                                               proposal for the limit amount on build–transfer–lease (BTL) projects (continued)
                                                  Total of 16 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Military
                                               Personnel Management Act
                                   November 14,
                                                  Two motions including a motion for extension of dispatch period of Armed
                                               Forces units to the Gulf of Aden, Somalia
                                                  Two resolutions including a resolution urging the abolishment of the ROK–U.S.
                                               Missile Guidelines
                                                  Two motions, including a motion for extension of dispatch period of Armed
                                               Forces units to the Gulf of Aden, Somalia (continued)
                                    December 1,
                                                  Adoption of the 2017 National Assembly State Inspection Result Report
                                      2017        Status report on current affairs (North Korean ballistic missile provocation; result
                                               and follow-up actions of the investigation into the JSA defection)
                                    December 2,       Resolution condemning North Korean Missile Launch and violation of the
                                      2017     Armistice Agreement
                355  Extraordinary Session   December 13,       Total of 15 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Military
                 (December 11 - 29, 2017)  2017  Personnel Management Act
                                    February 1,       Total of 15 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Military
                                      2018     Personnel Management Act
                356  Extraordinary Session
                                    February 6,       Public hearing on the legislative bill for the Special Act on Ascertaining the Truth
                 (January 30 - February 28,
                                      2018     of the May 18 Democratization Movement
                                    February 7,       Public hearing on the legislative bill for the Special Act on Ascertaining the Truth
                                      2018     of Military Accidents Resulting in Death

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