Page 108 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 108

Major Activities of the National Defense Committee of the National
                Assembly (December 12, 2016 - November 30, 2018)

                       Session         Date                      Main Contents
                                                   Status report on the MND affairs (North Korea Situation assessment ;
                                    December 12,   Investigation results and follow-up actions for hacking attack on the ROK
                                       2016      Armed Forces)
                 347  Extraordinary Session
                                                   Adoption of the 2016 National Assembly State Inspection Result Report
                  (December 12 - 31, 2016)
                                    December 27,       Total of 18 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the National
                                       2016      Defense Reform Act
                                                   Progress report (under the MND, MMA, and DAPA jurisdictions)
                                                   Progress report on the 2016 National Assembly State Inspection and the
                                                 request to rectify account balances for the 2015 fiscal year
                                     February 14,       Total of 21 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Act on the
                                       2017      Organization of National Armed Forces
                 349  Extraordinary Session        Resolution for filing a petition for adjudication on jurisdiction dispute against the
                   (February 1 - March 2,        General Security of Military Information Agreement between the Republic of
                        2017)                    Korea Government and the Japanese Government
                                                   Total of 18 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the Military
                                     February 23,   Personnel Management Act
                                       2017        Resolution urging the finding of truths behind the suspicion of helicopter
                                                 shooting during the May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement
                 350  Extraordinary Session
                                    March 6, 2017      Urgent issue report (regarding North Korean Missile Launch)
                   (March 3 - April 1, 2017)
                 350  Extraordinary Session
                                     May 16, 2017      Status report on the MND affairs (regarding North Korean Missile Launch)
                     (out of session)
                                                   Adoption of the implementation plan for the confirmation hearing of State
                                                 Council Member candidate (Minister of National Defense Song Young-moo)
                  351  Extraordinary Session       Total of 37 bills introduced including a partial amendment to the National
                                    June 23, 2017  Defense Reform Act
                  (May 29 - June 27, 2017)
                                                   Two resolutions including a resolution urging the disclosure of information and
                                                 compliance with procedures regarding the deployment of Terminal High
                                                 Altitude Area Defense in Korea
                  351  Extraordinary Session       Confirmation hearing of Cabinet  Member candidate (Minister of National
                                    June 28, 2017
                     (out of session)            Defense Song Young-moo)
                                                   Account balances for the 2016 fiscal year
                                     July 4, 2017
                                                   2017 first revised supplementary budget
                 352  Extraordinary Session
                    (July 4 - 22, 2017)            Urgent issue report (regarding North Korean Missile Launch)
                                     July 5, 2017      A resolution condemning North Korean Missile Launch and other military
                                     July 31, 2017      Urgent issue report (regarding North Korean launch of ICBM)
                                                   Adoption of the implementation plan for the confirmation hearing of
                                    August 11, 2017
                 352  Extraordinary Session      candidate for Chairman of the JCS (Jeong Kyeong-doo)
                     (out of session)              Status report on the MND affairs (regarding North Korean threat to bomb
                                                 Guam, the measurement result of the electromagnetic wave from THAAD,
                                    August 14, 2017
                                                 and the issue of additional deployment of launch stations and enlisted
                                                 members serving at official residences)

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