Page 105 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 105

                      Title                                     Main Contents
                                  No. (Date)
                 Enforcement Rules of            Applies uniform rank criteria to assistants to military officers at diplomatic
                                Partial Amendment
                 the Decree on Military       offices; clarifies that a chief military officer is authorized to direct and
                                   No. 965
                 Officials in Diplomatic      supervise the mission performance of other military officers at diplomatic
                                  (July 4, 2018)
                     Offices                  offices
                 Enforcement Rules of
                                                 Renames the Office of Military Structure and Defense Operation Reform to
                  the Organizational   Partial Amendment
                                              the Office of National Defense Reform to clarify its role as the general
                Setup of the MND and   No. 966
                                              coordinator of national defense reform; extends the expiration date of the
                   Its Subsidiary    (July 25, 2018)
                                                 Allows retired NCOs who served for seven years or longer to apply for
                Rules for the Selection
                                              reserve force management personnel positions (grade-7 civilian personnel
                   of Personnel   Partial Amendment
                                              in general service); removes copy of informatization license from the
                  Responsible for   No. 967
                                              document requirements of the selection examination for reserve force
                   Reserve Force   (August 24, 2018)
                                              management personnel and replaces it with copy of Korean history
                                              proficiency examination certificate
                                                 In response to changes in the medical environment brought on by
                Rules on Draft Physical   Partial Amendment  advancements in medical technologies, introduces finer and clearer
                Examination and Other   No. 968   criteria for the degrees and assessment of diseases and disabilities for
                   Examinations  (September 17, 2018)  determination of physical grades for enhanced objectivity and
                 Enforcement Rules of
                                                 To ensure that justice is duly dispensed in the military, introduces stricter
                 the Decree on Military   Partial Amendment
                                              and finer criteria for disciplinary actions against corruption, sexual violence,
                  Disciplinary Action   No. 969
                                              sexual harassment, driving under the influence, and other wrongdoings by
                  Against Miilitary   (September 20, 2018)
                                              officers, warranty officers, and NCOs
                                                 Raises the allowances for first lieutenants and lower-ranking submarine
                Rules on Special Work   Partial Amendment  crews serving on ships, aviation allowances for fixed-wing aircraft pilots in
                 Allowance for Military   No. 971   the Air Force and the Navy and the encouragement allowances for salaried
                   Personnel, Etc.  (October 8, 2018)  volunteer servicemembers; newly inserts additional aviation allowances
                                              paid to fighter pilots sortieing for special missions

                                                                                      Appendix    407
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