Page 305 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 305

However, in the current situation where Pyongyang f  latly denies even the existence of ROK POWs

               detained in North Korea, a fundamental solution remains elusive. Therefore, during the inter-
               Korean Ministerial Talks and Red Cross talks following the inter-Korean summit in June 2000, the
               two sides agreed to start discussing and seeking solutions for POW issue along with the separated

               family issue. In February 2006, during the 7  inter-Korean Red Cross Talks, the two sides agreed to
               negotiate on and solve the issue of verifying whether those who went missing in action and after the
               war are still alive when discussing the separated family issue. This principle was reaff irmed during

               the 20  inter-Korean Ministerial Talks held in February 2007 and the 8 inter-Korean Red Cross
               Talks in April. In 2014, following the 2013 agreement to hold family reunions, information on the
               matter of 20 POWs’ life was conf irmed. Until 2018, 56 POWs were identified on the matter of their

               life or death through family reunion events and among them, 18 were reunited with their families.

               |  Supporting Resettlement of the Repatriated ROK POWs  |    Pursuant to the ‘Act on the
               Repatriation and Treatment of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces Prisoners of War’, the MND

               provides support to repatriated POWs to assist in their settlement process and guarantee stable
               living conditions. The repatriated family members of a POW who passed away in North Korea are

               granted a special status that makes them eligible for extra f inancial support per household apart
               from the economic assistance and benef its for general North Korean defectors.
                 Starting in 2012, private-sector f  irms with the
               appropriate specialties are contracted to assist

               with the settlement process of repatriated POWs.
               Through personalized approaches in the form of
               house calls and special events, practical demands

               of the repatriated POWs are being met. In 2013,
               the relevant law was amended to increase support
                                                             A special event organized for repatriated POWs  Chapter 7
               for the settlement of repatriated POWs who are

               now provided with compensation payments in the form of pension, a rental housing unit, and
               medical expenses support from the ROK government.
                 The MND will continue its ef forts to f ind a fundamental solution to the POW issue by identifying and

               repatriating those who are still alive. At the same time, the MND will also strengthen the cooperation
               system with third countries to ensure the safe repatriation of POWs and their families escaping from
               North Korea and lead government-wide efforts to improve the settlement support policy for them.

                Section 2  Military Assurance for Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation and Resolution of the ROK POW Issue     303
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