Page 301 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 301

Section 2       Military Assurance for Inter-Korean

                               Exchange and Cooperation and

                               Resolution of the ROK POW Issue

               The MND is providing military assurance for inter-Korean exchange and cooperation through various measures
               such as the military assurance for inter-Korean traffic and the operation of military communication lines. In
               addition, the MND is striving to resolve the ROK prisoners of war (POWS) issue from a humanitarian perspective.
               As inter-Korean traffic and contacts as well as cooperation activities are likely to increase in various fields in the
               implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration and the Pyongyang Joint Declaration in September 2018, the
               MND intends to actively undertake military assurance measures.

               1. Military Assurance for Inter-Korean Exchange and

                Cooperation Projects

               |  Overview  |     Through the Panmunjom Declaration, the two Koreas agreed to invigorate inter-
               Korean exchange and cooperation in wide-ranging f ields and to encourage visits and contacts. Projects,
               such as the establishment of a joint liaison off  ice and modernization of the Donghae & Gyeongui line

               railroads and roads are currently underway. The MND has fully restored and normalized the military
               communi cation lines in the Eastern and Western Transportation Corridors to facilitate inter-Korean
               traff  ic and communi cation, thereby assuring exchange and cooperation activities between both sides.

                                                                                                         Chapter 7
               |  Military Assurance for Inter-Korean Traffic  |
               Direct traf f ic between the two Koreas is

               mostly by ground traff  ic, with sea and air
               routes used only occasionally. Roads and
               railway within the joint administrative area

               in the Eastern and Western Transportation
               Corridors are the main ground routes used
                                                        Ground vehicles escorted across the joint administrative
               by inter-Korean traf f ic. However, the railway   area (Eastern Transportation Corridor)

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