Page 302 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 302

was closed in December 2008. Ground traff  ic was mostly bound for the Gaesong Industrial Complex

           in the joint administrative area of the Western Transportation Corridor, but with the shutdown of the
           Gaesong Industrial Complex in February 2016, all ground traff ic has been halted. However, the cross-
           border movement of personnel by ground transportation resumed with North Korean delegations of

           off icials, athletes, and cheering squads traveling to the ROK via roads in the Western Transportation
           Corridor to participate in the PyeongChang Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in February–
           March 2018. The ROK Armed Forces implements military assurance measures for ground traf f ic in

           consultation with the UNC and the Korean People’s Army, and provides the security and escort for
           the traffic within the DMZ.
             Maritime cross-border traffic was suspended with the May 24 measures 11)  that banned North

           Korean vessels from using shipping lanes in South Korea. However, maritime passages resumed
           in February 2018 when the Man Gyong Bong 92 ferry departed from Wonsan Harbor, carrying a
           North Korean art troupe sent to participate in the PyeongChang Winter Games, was allowed to enter
           the port of Mukho. When maritime traffic is fully resumed, the ROK Armed Forces will take the

           necessary actions to guarantee the safety of vessels navigating across inter-Korean sea borders.
             Air traff ics are generally carried out via a direct route opened on a temporary basis over the West

           Sea. A North Korean high-level delegation visiting the ROK in February 2018 and a ROK delegation
           and art troupe visiting North Korea in March 2018 f lew via a direct route over the West Sea. In
           January 2018, ROK athletes participating in the joint training program at the Masikryong Ski Resort
           in North Korea f lew via a direct route temporarily opened over the East Sea, as ROK reporters

           covering the demolition of a North Korean nuclear testing site in May. Meanwhile, in July 2018, a
           ROK Air Force transport aircraft was provided for the ROK delegation participating in the inter-
           Korean friendly basketball game held in Pyongyang. ROK Air Force aircrafts were also provided to

           transport goods and supplies for the Pyongyang summit in September and to airlift Jeju-do tangerines
           to North Korea in return for the shipment of mushrooms from Pyongyang. In situations where it is
           necessary for a f light to be carried out via a direct route over the East Sea or West Sea, the ROK

           Armed Forces provides the military assurance for a safe f   light.

           11)  Sanctions imposed by the ROK government against North Korea in response to the sinking of the ROKS
               Cheonan, announced on May 24, 2010, which included the prohibition of North Korean ships from sailing in
               ROK waters, halting of inter-Korean trade (excluding the Gaesong Industrial Complex), banning visits by the
               ROK citizens to North Korea, suspension of South Korean investment in North Korea, and all aid projects.

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