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provided by the MND into specialization-tailored courses, 45)  and expanded the course to meet

               the beneficiaries’ needs.
                 To help medium-term servicemembers with f ive or more years in service decide their path and
               direction after service, the MND included career design in refresher training courses to help

               them make career choices early on, and take the career course and the basic course one or two
               years before their discharge. Since 2017, to help medium-term servicemembers find employment
               opportunities, the MND granted transition periods of one to three months depending on each

               servicemember’s years in service. However, in response to feedback in which the period of one
               to three months is not suff icient for practical purposes, the MND plans to extend the transition
               period to between three and seven months.

                 Long-term servicemembers with 10 years or more in service take the career course two or
               three years before the beginning of their transition periods, and complete the basic course at
               the same time as the transition course. The transition periods range from 10 to 12 months
               depending on their years in service. In addition, the MND plans to foster the conditions that

               will help medium-/long-term servicemembers participate in employment courses, job events,
               recruitment events for overseas job opportunities, job academies, and other job-searching

               activities during their service. In 2019, the MND is considering the adoption of the “Transition
               Readiness Report Program,” in which unit commanders should verify the transition readiness
               of soon-to-be-discharged servicemembers before their transition periods or six months before
               their discharge.
                                                                                                         Chapter 6

               |  Job Standardization Based on NCS 46)   |    More and more public institutions and private
               enterprises have adopted competency-centered recruitment based on the National Competency

               Standards (NCS). Educational institutions are also reorganizing their curricula with NCS-based
               courses. Even though most of the jobs performed in the military are similar or identical to those
               covered by the NCS, the former has yet to be standardized. This issue caused diff iculties to

               discharged servicemembers when they try to have their military career recognized outside the

               45)  An education course aimed at helping servicemembers who completed the basic course and consulting
                   improve their professional capabilities for employment; implemented in collaboration among the ROK Armed
                   Forces, businesses, and organizations
               46)  NCS are the national standards that systematize and standardize the knowledge, skills, qualities, and other
                   elements required for various jobs performed at industrial sites in different sectors at different levels.

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