Page 282 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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program consists of the Career Instruction Course and the Employment Support Course, from

           which individuals can choose which course to take part in. Both courses provide education
           on career exploration and designing as well as the government’s youth employment policies,
           followed by tailored education specif ic to each course. In 2018, the MND ran 350 courses

           for servicemembers at regiment-level units. By 2020, it plans to expand the program to cover
           2,000 battalion-level units. One-on-One Employment Counseling matches servicemembers
           who completed the classes of the Employment Support Course with companies hiring new

           employees or refers them to the government’s Youth Employment Projects. Around 5,000
           servicemembers in 26 division-/brigade-level units across the three military services benefited
           from the counseling, and the MND plans to expand the benef iciaries to 30,000 servicemembers

           by 2020.
             The second phase involves enhancing the employment capabilities of servicemembers through
           professional education courses. In collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Labor,
           the MND plans to organize one- or two-day f ield visits to small and medium enterprises (SMEs),

           and work with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups to provide a professional employment
           capabilities course and a professional startup capabilities course for off icers with technical

           specialties through the Small Business Training Institute (SBTI).
             The third phase matches servicemembers who completed phases 1 and 2 with high-performing
           SMEs through the “job couple managers” at the Small & Medium Business Corporation.
           Moreover, the MND plans to refer soon-to-be-discharged servicemembers who completed the

           startup capabilities course to the short-term program provided by the Startup Academy of the
           Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

           |  Employment Support for Medium- and Long-Term Servicemembers  |    Most medium-/
           long-term servicemembers who served for f ive or more years are in their 30s and 40s, the
           period in life when spending peaks in most cases. For this reason, the MND supports their

           career transition in the form of extended transition periods and the career transition education
           system. 44)  In 2018, it merged the referral courses and the made-to-order courses previously

           44) Career design ª career course (two days) ª basic course (five days) ª consulting (online or five-day off-line
               course) ª specialization-tailored course

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