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storages to protect the people’s lives and properties. The designation of the protection zones

           limits the residents’ exercise of their property rights and local development projects such as
           restriction on the construction or extension of buildings and public roads.
             To address the restrictions on the local residents living near ammunition storages, the MND

           continued to reduce the safety distances restricting the residents’ property rights and local
           development by replacing degraded ground-based ammunition storages (31% of all storages)
           with advanced igloo-type ammunition storages. In particular, in 2017, as a part of the endowment

           and concession project with Pocheon, the ROK Armed Forces built its first underground
           (tunnel) ammunition storage for the first time, which reduced the safety zone surrounding the
           ammunition unit by more than 70%, from 4.52 million m  to 1.33 million m , including 180,000
           m  area in Songu-ri. The reduced safety zone greatly contributed to the development of the
           area and the exercise of the residents’ property rights while ensuring the opening of the Guri–
           Pocheon Expressway as well as the branch line between Songu and Yangju.
             In recognition of the potential of underground (tunnel) storages for the eff icient use of

           national lands as well as the improvement of ammunition storage support capabilities, the MND
           launched a policy review in 2018. The MND will incorporate the construction of underground

           (tunnel) ammunition storages in its medium- and long-term plans in consideration of related
           matters, including the geological feasibility of the construction, to guarantee the people’s safety
           and property rights.

           5. Environment-Friendly Management of the ROK Armed Forces

           |  Expanding and Improving Pollution Prevention Facilities  |    To prevent water pollution
           by wastewater and sewage 37)  discharged from military installations, the MND has established
           and operates 2,973 sewage treatment stations and 1,344 wastewater treatment stations as of

           December 2017.

           37)  Sewage: Water contaminated by a mixture of liquid or solid created from daily lives and economic activities
                      (Article 2, Sewerage Act)
               Wastewater: Water containing liquid or solid pollutants and that cannot be used as is
                         (Article 2, Water Environment Conservation Act)

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