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by supporting the work–life balance of servicemembers for both genders.

             A pregnant female servicemember is exempted from night duties for up to a year after
           childbirth. Servicemembers raising children under the age of six years are given a two-hour
           leave for up to 24 months. Up to two days of childcare leave is allowed for servicemembers

           participating in the off icial school events of their children attending schools, which increases to
           three days for members with three or more children. In addition, the MND increased the length
           of spouse childbirth leave from 5 to 9 days to 10 days. Furthermore, when calculating a service

           period for promotion, servicemembers who took a childcare leave can have up to three years
           of leave included in their service period starting with their second children. Previously, only
           servicemembers with three or more children could have up to three years of their childcare leave

           included in their service period.
             In addition, to attenuate the burden of childcare caused by frequent transfer and allocation
           to remote areas, the MND has set up and is operating military day care centers and cooperative
           childcare spaces. The MND plans to expand the number of military day care centers from 125

           in 2017 to 164 in 2022 and that of cooperative childcare spaces, which replace day-care centers
           in areas where the latter are not available, from 22 in 2017 to 35 in 2022.

             Starting in 2018, the MND will adopt the Family-Friendliness Certif ication Program, which
           is currently required for government and public institutions, 11)  to foster a family-friendly
           organizational culture based on an objective assessment of the current level of work– life balance
           in military units.

           |  Measures for Eliminating Sexual Violence  |    To foster safe working conditions free
           from sexual violence, the MND implements various measures including tailored sexual violence

           prevention education, site-oriented prevention systems, victim protection and support, and
           reinforced punishment for sexual offenders.
             In September 2017, to eliminate sexual violence in the military, the MND announced the Plan

           for Reinforcing Measures for Elimination of Sexual Violence aimed at raising the awareness of

           11)  The program assesses institutions and issues a certification to those that offer high-quality childbirth, childcare,
               and education support programs (spouse childbirth leave, childcare leave, workplace childcare support,
               education support programs, and others); support programs for dependent family members; worker support
               programs, and flexible working hour programs.

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