Page 241 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 241

[ Chart 6-4 ]  Increase of Daily Basic Meal Expenses per Person
                   Year        2013        2014       2015        2016        2017        2018
                 Unit price
                               6,432      6,848       7,190       7,334       7,481      7,855
                  Rate of
                                4.5        6.5         5.0         2.0         2.0        5.0
                increase (%)

                 In 2018, the MND began to exclusively use home-grown produce in meals provided in the
               military 6)  and raised the quality of the meals by including new items such as hallabong (mandarin
               orange) and Kyoho grapes. Meals are planned based on servicemembers’ preferences identif ied

               through annual satisfaction surveys. The MND increased the amount of foods preferred by
               servicemembers, such as Korean beef, ribs, abalones, and octopuses, and tested 16 new items
               including freshwater eels, grilled rib patties (tteokgalbi), and natural honey. 7)
                 In addition, the MND ended the pilot phase

               of the positively received Meal Innovation
               Program and implemented it across the ROK

               Armed Forces. 8)  The MND also plans to place
               civilian cooks in the kitchens of all platoon-  Brunches         Multiple menus
               level units by 2020. Civilian cooks have played
               a crucial role in improving the quality of meals for servicemembers.
                                                                                                         Chapter 6

               6)  With the exception of imported dried bracken, peeled balloon flower roots, pollack, and dried pollack, which can
                  be used in limited amounts when homegrown alternatives are not readily available
               7)  Freshwater eels (boneless, coastal), octopuses (half-processed, coastal), tteokgalbi, chili shrimp, natural honey,
                  ark clam meat (coastal), murex (coastal), chicken cutlet, pork bone soup (retort), chicken finger, fried egg, acorn
                  jelly and sauce, spicy all-around seasoning, stewed fish, sweet and sour pork sauce, and oyster sauce
               8)  Each unit can provide brunches and multiple choices for menus as allowed by its circumstances.
                  *  2017 Meal Innovation Program Satisfaction Score: 4.1 out of 5 (Excellent)

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