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destroyed after reporting to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the relevant local

               government. Also, the relevant suppliers at fault are excluded from future contracts. In addition,
               starting in 2015, the MND has been marking allergy-causing foods for enlisted servicemembers

               with food allergies. 10)
                 The MND also operates meal distribution centers with advanced equipment for keeping foods
               fresh, and plans to improve meal safety and hygiene control practices in the future.

               Jeolla Region Meal   Chungcheong Region   Gyeongsang Region Meal  Gyeonggi Region Meal
               Distribution Center  Meal Distribution Center  Distribution Center  Distribution Center
               (Jangseong, 2012)    (Daejeon, 2016)     (Daegu, 2017)        (Byeollae, 2017)

               |  Modernization of Military Barracks  |    Starting
               in 2003, the MND has been pursuing programs

               to modernize narrow and deteriorated military
               barracks to improve the living conditions of
               enlisted servicemembers and provide them with
               comfortable living environments. The MND

               replaced f loor-type barracks shared by a platoon   Barracks after modernization project
               (30–50 members) with bed-type quarters shared                                             Chapter 6
               by a squad (8–10 members), and expanded the living area per person from 2.3m  to 6.3m .
               The MND also modernized and integrated all sanitary and convenience facilities (washrooms,
               toilets, libraries, and gyms) into the barracks. The replacement of f loor-type quarters with bed-
               type quarters is signif icant in that military barracks now serve as places of living rather than

               places for mere accommodation. The program will be completed in time with the completion

               10)  Eggs, milk, buckwheat, peanuts, beans, wheat, mackerel, crab, shrimp, pork, peach,
                   tomato, sulfurous acid, walnuts, chicken, beef, squid, and clams

                                                                                     Mothers’ Monitoring Group
                                                                                          visits the camp

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