Page 93 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 93
The ROK Armed Forces’ public support activities are greatly contributing to the
effort of assisting those people in difficult situations to be able to go back to work
as early as possible. The MND will continue to protect the lives and properties of
the people by promptly and actively deploying troops and equipment in the event of
national disasters in the future.
Establishing a Military-Wide Integrated With disasters occurring frequently
Disaster Management System due to the ongoing climate change, Chapter 3
there is a growing demand to est-
ablish a comprehensive management system for all four stages of disaster
management (prevention-preparation-response-recovery), including a disaster
prediction system, which will strengthen the ROK Armed Forces’ disaster response
capabilities. Accordingly, in order to integrate the disaster management information
system operated by each service, the MND laid out an overall roadmap of a system
that will be operated in an integrate manner by carrying out an Information
Strategy Planning (ISP) project in 2019 to build a military-wide integrated disaster
management information system.
Based on this, response measures will be promptly disseminated through real time
information sharing between the MND and each service branch, and the MND plans
to establish an eff cient civilian-government-military support system by sharing the
military’s emergency rescue support capabilities for national disasters in connection
with the systems of related organizations such as the MOIS National Disaster
Management System (NDMS).
Strengthening the Capacity
of Emergency Rescue Support
In May 2019, the MND signed a me-
morandum of understanding (MOU)
with the National Fire Agency to est-
ablish an effective disaster response MOU on the establishment of disaster response
cooperation system between the MND and the
cooperation system and to protect the National Fire Agency (May 2019)
lives and property of the people. To
take prompt safety and recovery measures, the two agencies continue to develop
their disaster preparedness capabilities to cooperate with each other on matters
related to sharing of information, mutual support in the form of human resources,
Chapter 3. Safeguarding Peace by Establishing a Robust Defense Posture Against Omnidirectional Security Threats