Page 90 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 90

[Chart 3-9] The Military’s Aid to Civilians in the Past Five Years
                                                                               As of November 30, 2020
                                                                        No. of Support  No. of Equipment
                             Year                Activities
                                                                         Personnel    Pieces
                                                Total                     978,348     76,963
                                  Forest fire and fire                     5,180       180
                                  Foot-and-mouth disease, avian influenza (AI) and pine wilt   5,658  577
                                  disease control
                                  Drought, heavy rainfall, Typhoon Chaba, and earthquake   55,227  594
                             2016  damage support
                                  Heavy snowfall damage restoration, building collapse aid,   5,573  47
                                  and marine pollution damages restoration
                                  Missing civilians’ search and rescue     2,111       95
                                  Railroad and cargo labor union strike control  35,410  400
                                  Forest fire and fire                    23,707       169
                                  Drought, heavy rainfall, and typhoon damage support  39,003  1,736
                             2017  Missing civilians’ search and rescue    2,473       152
                                  Foot-and-mouth disease and AI control   33,042      3,279
                                  Heavy snowfall and earthquake damage support  17,474  659
                                  Forest fire support                      8,970       186
                                  Drought, heavy rainfall, and typhoon damage support  16,125  8,168
                             2018  Missing civilians’ search and rescue    1,165       219
                                  Foot-and-mouth disease and AI control   10,452      1,246
                                  Heavy snowfall and earthquake damage support  7,848  13
                                  Forest fire and fire                    22,442       526
                                  Heatwave, drought, typhoon, heavy rainfall, and heavy snowfall  64,745  2,319
                                  Missing civilians’ search and rescue     4,208
                             2019                                                  (15 military dogs)
                                  Blocking the spread of AI and ASF       108,985     7,490
                                  Railroad and cargo labor union strike control  3,900  -
                                  Marine pollution, Incheon red water, etc.  908       401
                                  Forest fire and fire                     1,984       89
                                  Heatwave, drought, typhoon, heavy rainfall, and heavy snowfall  128,699  17,063
                             2020  Missing civilians’ search and rescue    5,604       778
                                  Blocking the spread of AI and ASF       60,161      6,108
                                  Public support for COVID-19             307,294     24,469

                             On November 9 of the same year, a helicopter crashed after being dispatched from
                            the Forest Service to evacuate injured seamen from a fishing boat working in the
                            Dokdo area. In response, the ROK Armed Forces provided advanced equipment
                            such as military ships capable of underwater navigation including the ROKS
                            Cheonghaejin and aircraft lighting for SAR at night. As a result, three among the
                            missing persons were rescued and the fuselage and the f ight recorder of the crashed
                            helicopter were recovered. Even in succeeding disasters such as the sinking of a
                            civilian f shing boat due to a f re near Jeju Island, the ROK Armed Forces conducted
                            maritime accident rescue activities utilizing advanced military assets for rescuing
                            missing persons and searching and recovering fishing boat, which contributed to

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