Page 45 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 45

Peaceful Resolution of the North Korean   Through concerted efforts with
               Nuclear Issue and the Establishment of   the international community, the
               Permanent Peace                        Moon administration will achieve
                                                      a peaceful resolution of the North
               Korean nuclear issue by comprehensively pursuing complete denuclearization of the       Chapter 2
               Korean Peninsula, establishment of a peace regime, confidence building between
               the two Koreas, and implementation of arms control. At the same time, the Moon
               administration will enhance the national defense capabilities of the ROK based on
               the robust ROK–US alliance, thereby supporting the establishment of permanent
               peace on the peninsula.

               Contribution to Peace and Prosperity in   The Moon administration will
               Northeast Asia and the World           strive to elevate the status of the
                                                      ROK as a nation that is leading
               the efforts to achieve peace and cooperation by fostering an environment that brings
               peace and prosperity to Northeast Asia and the world, while promoting the country’s
               national interest. First, the ROK will take the lead in resolving the Korean Peninsula
               issues through regional cooperation based on the ROK–US coordination. In

               addition, the ROK will consolidate its political and economic cooperation with India,
               ASEAN and other Eurasian countries, and contribute to peace, stability, and mutual
               prosperity in the region by institutionalizing regional cooperation. Furthermore,
               the Moon administration will actively participate in resolving security issues across
               the world, such as climate change, international terrorism, infectious diseases, and
               refugee crises.

               Realization of a Society that Protects   The Moon administration will protect
               People’s Safety and Lives            the properties and rights of individual
                                                    citizens from the standpoint of the
               people, and protect their safety and lives from cyber-threats, terrorism, disasters,
               safety accidents, and various threats and risks.

               2. Tenets of the NSS

               To achieve its goal of governance for security, "a peaceful and prosperous Korean
               Peninsula", the Moon administration adopted strategies to be implemented in the
               f elds of national defense, unif cation, and diplomacy. These strategies include taking

                                                                Chapter 2.  National Security Strategy and Defense Policy
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