Page 44 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 44


                               1       National Security Strategy

                            The Moon Jae-in administration’s national vision is "A Nation of the People, a Just
                            Republic of Korea" with "a peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula" as its goal of
                            governance in the field of security. Accordingly, the Moon administration has established
                            a National Security Strategy (NSS) to realize this goal and is implementing its NSS to
                            resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and establish permanent peace on the Korean
                            Peninsula while maintaining a robust national security posture.

                            1. National Vision and Security Objectives

                            To build a just nation of the people, the Moon Jae-in administration set its national
                            vision as "A Nation of the People, a Just Republic of Korea" and designated f ve goals
                            of governance: a government committed to serving its citizens; an economy centered

                            on the co-prosperity of all; a nation that ensures the well-being of its citizens;
                            balanced development across the nation; and a peaceful and prosperous Korean
                            Peninsula. Regarding the goal of governance for security, "a peaceful and prosperous
                            Korean Peninsula", the administration established three national security objectives:
                            a peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue and the establishment of
                            permanent peace; contribution to peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and the
                            world; and the realization of a society where people’s safety and lives are protected.

              2020 Defense White Paper
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