Page 267 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 267

2.  Spreading a Barracks Culture wherein Basic Rights and Lives are

               Reinforcing Activities to Eradicate

               The ROK Armed Forces has made a
               wide variety of efforts to eradicate
               irrationalities within the military to
               "embed a high-morale military culture
               of being with the people and trusted by   Self-governing committee of servicemembers (top-
                                                 notch servicemember system of the Air Force)
               the people" and resolve the hardships of
                 In order to eradicate unreasonable practices and irregularities, the MND is
               conducting on-site inspections and providing education for key personnel related
               to unit operation, and is reviewing the introduction of a self-governing system for
               enlisted servicemembers to observe the rules voluntarily and plan and implement
               self-correction activities. Furthermore, the MND will continue to make efforts to

               select and reward excellent units for eradicating irrational practices.

               Prohibition of Giving Orders or Using  Due to the nature of the mission,                Chapter 7
               Servicemembers for Personal Purposes   the military needs to maintain a
                                                      strict top-down relationship. Still,
               servicemembers should also be able to refuse any illegal orders or instructions given
               for personal purposes. The Framework Act on Military Status and Service stipulates
               that even a superior officer may not issue any order unrelated to his or her duties or
               beyond his or her authority. In line with this provision, the MND has prepared
               provisions prohibiting superior officers from giving instructions to or using
               servicemembers for personal purposes in the Unit Management Directive,
               regulations of each service, and guidelines for violators.
                 In addition, to eradicate personal orders, the MND issued the "guidelines for
               eradicating abuse of power in the defense domain" in May 2019 and presented
               specific cases in the guidelines and introduced strict punishment standards by
               revising the "Directive for Disciplinary Actions against Military Personnel and

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People
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