Page 264 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 264


                               1       Embedding a New Barracks
                                       Culture Trusted by the


                            By innovating the barracks culture, the ROK Armed Forces has made significant
                            achievements, including reduced casualties and desertion from duty. Accordingly, the
                            MND aims to embed a new barracks culture trusted by the people by ensuring a level
                            of autonomy and human rights for servicemembers that match the expectation of the
                            people while maintaining military readiness.

                            1.  Fostering a Barracks Culture Driven by Autonomy and

                            Harmony between Autonomy       Efforts to innovate the barracks culture,
                            and Responsibility            promoted since 2014, has made significant

                                                          achievements such as reduction in casualties
                            and abandonment of military duty or post without permission. As such, it is being
                            well-received by the public for fostering a worry-free service environment. However,
                            with the public’s expectation on human rights and welfare of servicemembers
                            increasing, calls for cultivating a barracks culture that harmonizes autonomy and
                            responsibility while the ROK Armed Forces maintains a steadfast readiness posture
                            are continued.
                             Therefore, the MND will continue to make efforts to foster a sound barracks
                            life where creative thoughts and diversity of servicemembers are respected, and
                            strive to cultivate a barracks culture of autonomy and responsibility to enable
                            servicemembers to transform into "democratic citizens in uniforms" who can take
                            responsibility for their behavior.

                            Use of Personal Mobile Phones  As an effort to relieve the sense of isolation
                                                           among servicemembers, receive-only mo-
                            bile phones for common use and public video telephones have been provided since
                            2015. Moreover, to guarantee servicemembers’ basic rights in a wider scope, the
        Use of mobile       MND collected opinions from all members and conducted a trial operation before
        phones at
        barracks after work  fully allowing the "use of mobile phones after work" in July 2020. The use of mobile

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